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how to attach form 1023 after submission

schamaschama singaporePosts: 45Member
Hi fellah,
good day,just wanted to ask how to attach form 1023 (notice of incorrect's answer) after you submit the application.After I submit my form 1300t online and received by immigration and today when I reviewing my record of response from immigration,I just realize that I made a wrong answers which is in my birth country instead of Philippines I put there Australia in which I can't understand why I haven't notice that wrong answer when i re-review for how many times the form before I submitted.I was so upset and when i read the advice on how to pass the form 1023 in the immi website by clicking "the update info" in my application, and after doing that I can't see the form 1023 there, it's only the change of address,change of circumstances and change of details..I don't know also how to upload that form because there is no upload buttons there...Is there any way for this..?..thank you....salamt
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