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any comment or idea about MIGRATION GLOBAL ASSISTANCE

anojaanoja PasigPosts: 68Member
edited October 2016 in Working and skilled visas
hi pa help nman,baka my nakakaalam dito ng global migration sa makati..Legit po ba?wala kase kong makitang review about sknla.except sa website nila..._TIA


  • louieglouieg Balanga
    Posts: 42Member
    Joined: Aug 24, 2015
    Yan din ung kausap ko ngayon, pupunta ako mamaya sa office nila ung isang kakilala ko na nasa Adelaide ngayon sila ang ngprocess ngpapers.

    Nominated Skill 261312 - Developer Programmer (SOL/CSOL)
    08/15/2015 - Visited Australia for the first time.
    08/24/2015 - Decided to pursue plans of Migrating to Australia with family.
    08/26/2015 - Started gathering requirements related to Developer Programmer Employment Experience for ACS assessment.
    09/8/2015 - Took Eligibility Assessment from a Migration Agent. - 50 pts.
    09/15/2015 - Got my first ACS compliant COE from my last company.
    09/24/2015- Request for another ACS compliant COE from my previous company in DK.
    10/04/2015 - Followed up my request for ACS compliant COE.
    10/05/2015 - Pick up another ACS compliant COE from former company.
    10/12/2015 - Got Confirmation from Company in DK regarding ACS compliant COE.
    10/25/2015 - Still waiting for my COE from Denmark.
    10/26/2015 - Will process next COE from Philhealth and B-Eye.
    11/19/2015 - Received an ACS Compliant COE, 3 down, 6 more to go.

    --You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  • anojaanoja Pasig
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Sep 20, 2016
    ah naka appointment kyo sir ngayon?
  • anojaanoja Pasig
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Sep 20, 2016
    @louieg sir musta appointment niyo
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