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Room for Rent near CBD $150/wk

mikmakmikmak AdelaidePosts: 1Member

Anyone looking for a room near CBD?
Bus stops are nearby going to city or better yet, have few mins walking to Kilkenny station which brings you only 4 stops to CBD.

You will be renting 1 good sized, fully furnished room (with Double Bed, study/comp table, dresser) for $150/week. All bills (water, electricity, wifi) included.
You will be sharing the accommodation with all pinoys - a family of 3 (staying in the granny flat) and a couple with no kids (only super friendly black labrador).
You can move in anytime! Just pm or comment below if interested.

Thank you!


  • aguiagui Adelaide
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 07, 2016
    is this still available?
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