2009 - Assssment req, submit req, ielts failed, wife got pregnant
Pursue our dream! ( finish what you started )
Nov 13, 2013 --Enquiry for agent fees and reading materials for RPL
Nov 7, 2014 -- ACS lodge for skill assessment
Nov 17, 2014-- + assessment from ACS
Nov 26, 2014 -- IELTS payment and review starts now.
Feb 8, 2017 -- Hello Sydney!
Feb 21-- Got our own place to stay and we can call home
March 5, 2017 -- Got the job I wanted
July 30, 2017 - Got another Job offer! better pay and permanent position
Oh yeah! Dreams do come true! Act now!
most recent by MidnightPanda12
most recent by Iampirate13
How long did it take you to get a job?
most recent by lvnrtnr
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by CinnZinn
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
most recent by mamertz
most recent by whimpee
most recent by RheaMARN1171933
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