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Need an advice

*Hi guys! I checked my job desc (599915) in ANZSCO and no state is open under SOL, but there is one state (SA) that's open under CSOL. *Recently I got a positive result with Vetasses (4.3 yrs of exp)
*Few questions here:
-Am I right that Vetasses' PTA is not official and it's still the DIBP that will give me the NEEDED POINTS as per my experience? (I am hoping that DIBP would consider the 2 yrs of exp that Vetasses' did not include)
-I checked the website of SA migration, and they are requiring 80 pts for the job listed in CSOL (which happened to be my job). Are they really very particular on this 80 pts? as in if you wont meet this HIGH POINTS, chances are -they wont invite you at all or result will be negative for the EOI?
*For now I got 60 pts for the Subclass 190 visa: -Age, 25 -English, 10 -B degree, 15 -Work Exp, 10 (I only assumed this)
*I'm planning to repeat PTE exam and get 20pts
*not sure if SA will accept 70 pts if ever
*what can u advice?

Thank you

*May 2016 -Heard one friend sharing stories about Australia
-Had my research the about my job opportunity in Australia
-Become aware about PTE, ANZSCO and VETASSESS
*Sept.2016 - 1st attempt of PTE (Dubai). LRSW = 83/71/76/83
*Dec.2016 - Submitted docs to VETASSESS for Skills Assessment
*Feb.2017 - Positive result from VETASSESS
(Only chance of EOI was in SA which require high points for a 489 visa)
*Mar.2017 - 2nd attempt of PTE (Phil). LRSW = 86/76/65/90 (unsuccessful to get superior)
*Nov.2017- I turned 40, which means minus 10 pts. =(
- Started to lose hope and forget my Aus dream for a while
*July 2018 - NT, SA and Tasmania were open
- I needed to get a superior score from PTE
*Aug. 2018 - 3rd attempt of PTE (Dubai). LRSW = 57/69/84/56 (scores were awful)
(Despite my scores, I am determined and wont stop til i get that superior)
*Oct.2018 - 4th attempt of PTE (Phil). LRSW = 79/90/83/86 (at last!)
*Nov.2018 - EOI Northern Territory, Tasmania and SA
*Aug.1, 2019 - Northern Territory ITA
*Aug.7, 2019 - Official NT Skillselect ITA (Hired MA for visa lodging)
*Aug.20, 2019 - Lodged Visa
(Whatever the outcome is, life goes on & Im forever grateful to the Lord)
*Nov.18, 2019 - 489 Visa direct grant

Thank you Lord

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