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Applying for a Tourist Visa in a different country?

Hello, I am currently a student visa holder in Canada and I want to apply for a tourist visa for Australia, would that be possible? I will allot 1 week during December on my school's winter break (will be spending new year's hopefully, with my relatives in Adelaide), if so, online application would be my only shot? Has anyone ever been in this situation before, and would I get accepted even if I'm currently studying or would I most likely be declined? Thank you!


  • Xiaomau82Xiaomau82 Singapore
    Posts: 1,877Member
    Joined: Mar 08, 2014

    Hello, I am currently a student visa holder in Canada and I want to apply for a tourist visa for Australia, would that be possible? I will allot 1 week during December on my school's winter break (will be spending new year's hopefully, with my relatives in Adelaide), if so, online application would be my only shot? Has anyone ever been in this situation before, and would I get accepted even if I'm currently studying or would I most likely be declined? Thank you!

    u can apply from canada since you have a valid visa to stay in canada. mas mataas ung chance na maapprove since asa canada ka. they will consider financial stability and ung intention mo na bumalik sa home country/ or from the country where u are applying.
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