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JSM Migration Services (Nurses)

JSM MigrationJSM Migration Posts: 1Member
edited March 2017 in Migration Agent
Hello everyone, anyone who has a relative, brother, sister, friend who is trying to undergo the Bridging Program / IRON course in Australia to become a successful Registered Nurse but is having a tight budget? JSM Migration is here to help you with your application. You may contact us via email [email protected] to fasten things up please send your updated resume. Contact numbers will be provided if proven qualified. Thank you and have a great day.

I know everyone had a doubts with Migration agency I am also a Nurse who recently finished the Bridging program without any agent because unlike other nurses who are coming from a rich family or a wealthy roots I do not have the capacity to pay for my tuition and everything that is why I am offering my service at a low cost and this will also aid me in my financial cost.

I do not have a credibility because I only offer helped to my friends to pursue their career to become a Registered Nurse in Australia that is why this is only for a limited time. :)
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