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1 Room For Rent in Point Cook

lodenianlodenian MelbournePosts: 3Member
We're looking for a single Pinoy male occupant to rent our spare room on a month to month basis. Just 3 of us living on a 4 bedroom fairly new house right now. You must be a non-smoker and easily to get along with.

- less than 10 minutes walk to the nearest bus stop which would take you to either Williams Landing or Hoppers Crossing Train Station.

- if you're driving, about 2 minutes to get to the freeway, 10 minutes to Werribee Plaza.

- around 10 minutes walk to Featherbrook Shopping Centre.

- parking in front of the house (not covered).

Please send me a message if you're interested.


  • lodenianlodenian Melbourne
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Nov 01, 2014
    Now open to couple as well..
  • lhanz23lhanz23 manila
    Posts: 48Member
    Joined: Jan 11, 2017
    hi po... is this still available? for male renter po sna,,, how much is the rent po?.. for longer stay po..thanks
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