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Invitation to lodge visa 190 received but EOI is expiring soon

mvs3210mvs3210 MandaluyongPosts: 5Member
Hi to all, I've received the NSW nomination email approval yesterday and I've already kick start the visa submission in the immi portal. I understand that I am only given 60 days to complete the process including the payment of the visa fee. however, I am worried about my EOI expiry which is set on the 17 of June 2017. could you kindly enlighten me on which expiry should I follow? is it the EOI expiry on 17-June-2017 or the 60 days skillselect invitation validity which is expiring on the 29-July-2017? your advise will be much appreciated. thank you


  • Au_VicAu_Vic Melbourne, Victoria
    Posts: 385Member
    Joined: Jun 11, 2017
    NSW has a 14-day rule for you to submit your NSW state sponsorship application once selected. You have to provide all required documents, pay fees within the 14 day timeframe.

    I'm Australian in paper but pinoy in form....Living in the most liveable city in the world...Melbourne! Oi, oi, oi!!!

  • Au_VicAu_Vic Melbourne, Victoria
    Posts: 385Member
    Joined: Jun 11, 2017
    the 60 day rule applies once your NSW nomination has been approved and oz immigration has invited you to apply for a visa 190 or 489.

    I'm Australian in paper but pinoy in form....Living in the most liveable city in the world...Melbourne! Oi, oi, oi!!!

  • StraderStrader Philippines
    Posts: 1,004Member
    Joined: Jan 04, 2013
    @mvs3210 hello.. once you have ITA u only worry about the 60 days since u are invited already. Cheers!

    Feb. 9, 2017- SS SA application submitted
    Mar. 2, 2017- SS approval (ITA received)
    Mar. 31, 2017- Medical @ nationwide cebu
    Apr. 11- medical cleared (son)
    Apr. 12- Medical cleared (me and my spouse)
    Apr. 14- Visa Lodge
    Apr. 24- CO contact asking for certified copy of passport for my son and my evidence of overseas study. CO Ruth
    Same day - complied all requested docs.
    June 9, 2017- 2nd CO contact- no docs requested (automated email for the delay of visa grant)
    September 13, 2017 - VISA GRANT!!!! CO Ruth- team adelaide
    BM - November 2017

  • batmanbatman Darwin Australia
    Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
    Joined: Oct 04, 2011
    @mvs3210 what happen na sa EOI mo. kahapon na sya expire. did you communicate with the NSW or DIBP?

    221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
    21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
    31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
    01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
    20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
    - collating requirements for NT SS application
    18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
    24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
    - was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
    - engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
    26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
    02|05|18 - PCC processing
    20|05|18 - Medical
    06|06|18 - Visa payment
    15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
    09|02|19 - Big move
    11|02|19 - First job interview
    12|02|19 - Received a job offer
    13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
    13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
    16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
    01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
    10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
    June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
    Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
    June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
    Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
    Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
    June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
    Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
    July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
    Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony

  • mvs3210mvs3210 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Apr 27, 2015
    @batman Hi, I did not dared to let it expire, I paid the VISA fee last 14th-June. I would say that I made the right decision, because now, my EOI is fully suspended including its scheduled expiry. I noticed that I can still log-in to my SkillSelect. From what I understand, you will no longer be able to login to SkillSelect if your EOI is expired or no longer valid. the VISA application is now on "received" status when I look on it at the ImmiAccount.
  • mvs3210mvs3210 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Apr 27, 2015
    @Au_Vic Hi, thank you for responding, I just went ahead to pay the VISA fee, and I've uploaded all the documents required in the ImmiAccount too. I am now working on the police clearance and medical requirements. I am hoping and praying that the outcome will be positive once I have submitted the remaining 2 items.
  • mvs3210mvs3210 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Apr 27, 2015
    @Strader Hi, thank you for the response.
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