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(40% Off Winter Sale) Training First Aid Parramatta at CBD College

cbdfirstaid1cbdfirstaid1 SydneyPosts: 1Member
40% Off Winter Special : $79 Only! Certificates Issued at the End of the Class.

We run classes every week of the year.

1300 097 307 or 1300 628 299 or 1300 723 056

1-day course with 3 Units of Competency from the new HLT Health Training Package recorded on your Statement of Attainment issued the same day:

1. HLTAID001 Provide CPR
2. HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support
3. HLTAID003 Provide first aid

First Aid Course Covers :
* infection control procedures
* CPR techniques on adults and infants
* managing exposure to extreme temperatures
* using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
* how to properly assess an emergency situation
* first aid procedures for bleeding, burns and fractures
* managing medical conditions such as anaphylaxis, asthma and seizures
* managing medical emergencies such as snake/spider bites, poisons and choking
* and much, much more!

We are 100% Australian owned and operate vocational education and training classes in the CBD in Parramatta, Sydney, Liverpool, Hornsby, Penrith, Wollongong & Newcastle NSW, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Phillip Canberra, Melbourne, and Hobart Tasmania.

CBD College is the leading First Aid CPR training organisation in the Australia that offers Adult or Senior First Aid, BELS, CPR, and Child Care First Aid or Emergency First Aid course.

ParramattaTraining Location:
Our training rooms in Parramatta are located just 550 metres from Parramatta Train Station.
Ground Floor, Suite 1,
11 Parkes Street,
Harris Park, NSW 2150
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