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letter of explanation sir harry gibbs, treaty republic website

mousemouse victoriaPosts: 1Member
Get your australian man to google letter of explanation by sir harry gibbs on the treaty republic website. Read the whole letter its only 4 pages,read in particular the comments in the box of page 3, i quote i have come to the conclusion that nothing in australian politics or law in use in any australian state or teritory is based in law, end quote. All the visas and their fees are not law. There is no mention of visa fees in the commonwealth of australia constitution act 1900(uk). And in australia this constitution is the fact taxes which are fees relate only to commerce in the constitution.bringing your wife to australia is not an act relating to commerce. Now google this number 0000805157, this is the corporation that is POSING as the commonwealth government, this corporation is NOT the true government of australia.
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