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Bringing Filipino Band To Aus

rnodernrnodern MelbournePosts: 1Member
Hi there Filipinos and music lovers.

Australian here. I lived in Philippines for a number of years and whilst there, played and toured with a Filipino band, Save The Prophet. (
The band is now venturing into international gigs (Macau, Malaysia, Singapore) and am wanting to bring the band to Australia later this year for a tourist, non-profit band tour (Vic, SA and perhaps NSW).
Wondering if there would be much support (just showing up to a gig) and interest from Filipino community, bringing such a band out here. Mostly original Tagalog songs but also plenty of nostalgic 90s covers too. No one loves music more than Filipinos, so wanting to bring this band out to support them, but also provide some home-style entertainment for the Pinoy community in AU.

Let me know your thoughts.
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