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Peso to australian dollar

anojaanoja PasigPosts: 68Member
edited August 2017 in Working and skilled visas
Hello po,ask ko lang baka my ibang way na ma transfer sa NAB un PESO to AUD na hindi masiyado liliit yun value ..thankyou


  • jrmdcdcjrmdcdc BGC
    Posts: 24Member
    Joined: Aug 14, 2017
    if nasa pinas ka, the best rate is Sanry's and BDO. currently rate sa bdo is 40.something, same as Sanry's. But sa BDO you need to have an aged BDO account, sa Sanry's hindi mahigpit, you just need to personally reserve and deposit the 10% amount then you would pick up the AUD on the following day (depending on the availability).
  • StudyKitAIMSStudyKitAIMS australia
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Mar 22, 2017
    why not just use western union? sobra ganda and convenient. You'll be able to get your money in all AuSpost.
  • anojaanoja Pasig
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Sep 20, 2016
    thankyou mam/sir..bdo na po..
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