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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Looking for room or house near Kewdale

ma1414ma1414 SingaporePosts: 93Member
Hi, we are a family of 3 (myself, wife & 3yr old daughter) looking for temporary accommodation, probably 2/3 months. Not sure if anyone is willing to rent a room for us. Please message me or comment on this thread if you know any.

Salamat po.

221111 Accountant (General)

29.11.16 PTE Academic (L90/R87/S90/W87) Thank you Lord!
03.01.17 CPAA Assessment application
30.01.17 Positive skills assessment with 3 years skilled employment
30.01.17 EOI Lodged 189 (70 Points)
03.02.17 Appeal for skilled employment not recognized
23.02.17 Positive appeal outcome. 7 years skilled employment
02.03.17 EOI Updated 189 (75 Points) Thank you Lord!
15.03.17 ITA received Thank you Lord!
25.03.17 Medicals
27.03.17 Medicals cleared Thank you Lord!
16.04.17 Visa Lodged
15.05.17 CO allocated GSM Adelaide (no additional documents requested)
11.09.17 Golden Email. Thank you Lord!

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