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Any Copywriter here?

Adie10Adie10 PhilippinesPosts: 1Member
Hi guys,

I'm just new here. :)

I am a Copywriter and have been reading lots of things on how to start the process. I wanted to start my assessment through VETASSESS; in fact, I already created an account and planned to submit this week. I wanted to go for 190 (or 489 since my uncle is here) but then I've come across the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skill List and Short-Term Skilled Occupation List. Copywriter falls under the Short-Term, does it mean I can't pursue my application?

Anyone can enlighten me with the process would be a great help.

Thank you!


  • magueromaguero Adelaide
    Posts: 831Member
    Joined: Oct 24, 2016
    @Adie10 Check the website of each state to see if any of them sponsors Copywriters. If I'm not mistaken, South Australia sponsors Copywriters who meet at least 1 of their 4 requirements for occupations under the Supplementary Skill List.
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