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Room for rent with TFC in Sydney/Mortdale Female only.

Mary_88Mary_88 North RydePosts: 2Member
Looking for female to share house with Phil/Aussie couple. Shared Bathroom, freshly painted, own outside door access. Has large lcd tv,TFC and bar fridge included. 5 mins walk to train station and shops. $225 per week, include bills - wifi and landline calls, water, electricity and gas. No pets or kids. Email me on [email protected]


  • Mary_88Mary_88 North Ryde
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Apr 28, 2014
    Looking for female to share house with Phil/Aussie couple. Shared Bathroom, freshly painted, own outside door access. Has large lcd tv,TFC and bar fridge included. 5 mins walk to train station and shops. $200 per week, include bills - wifi and landline calls, water, electricity and gas. No pets or kids. Email me on [email protected]
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