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Campbelltown / Shared room in a French - filipina family's home. Campbelltown / Near UNI & Hospital

francolipinofrancolipino Sydney- AmbarvalePosts: 25Member
Nice room to either share with someone else and bring the weekly rent to only $140/week or have it to yourself for $190/week.
Included are all the electricity, water, gas bills. FREE and UNLIMITED internet ADSL2+ access, FREE landlines phone calls to local / national landlines and unlimited to mobile phones in Australia and selected international destinations.

Furnished room with one or two beds ( as above),big tallboy, TV all FTA channels,plenty of storage space with built in , as well as two bed sides tables/drawers. Nice large windows with thick curtains for those who need dark room to sleep.

The house as security screen on windows, alarm systems, several fire extenguishers and fire blankets around the house (owners are safety/ security professionals, three dogs are also keeping intruders at bay, one of the owners doesn't work and is at home all the time.
Large open plan kitchen, plenty of space to cook, gas burners, gas/electric oven, kettle, toaster, rice cookers, microwave, large fridge, 880 liter freezer. You are welcome to use any pans, pots , utensils from the kitchen.

The house has a large living room, a large dinning room, open kitchen, 4 bedrooms, one and large safe baby room, separate toilet, 2 bathrooms, one laundry, plenty of drying space for clothes as well as a dryer.
Large paved backyard with half covered and plenty of space around the house to walk and enjoy the nice trees , plants and garden. WE have a large satellit dish that will be connected in next few weeks and should everything work you will be given access to the various programs as well.
If you drive there are car space available with a double garage on the way to be converted into a granny flat (completion October 2014).
WE have a bus stop 3 minutes walk, going to Macarthur square or Campbelltown.
Campbelltown station is 6 minutes drive and macarthur square is only 2/3 and the private and public Hospitals are just two minutes away. The south west sydney uni and college are just about 4/5 minutes drive and can be accessed via stop at Macarthur (square ) station.

PLease note only emails and phone calls (if you display your number) will be replied to - NO TEXT MESSAGES. Thank you


  • nikki11nikki11 North Ryde
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Aug 01, 2014
    Hi I am half Filipino and my parents are looking for a place stay for vacation approx 2 months. I am a student at uws campbelltown and we are looking for a near place to stay like yours. I cant seem to find your number. Please contact me at 0449537791.
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