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pls help!! do i need a guarantor if I am a new migrant who wants to rent a house?

chinkychinky SydneyPosts: 68Member
Hi and my family (my husband and our baby girl) will be coming to AU on Dec 2014. I hope to rent a property say for one month muna. How do I go about this? Since wala pa naman akong work, will there be landlords willing to rent their property to me? Doon na kami maghahanap while staying cguro for 2 days in a serviced apartment upon arrival. We plan to stay in Sydney..pls help guys! thanks so much!


  • bevelledbevelled Melbourne
    Posts: 41Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    hello Chinky, it is harder, especially 1 month lang ang gusto nyo and wala pa kayo rito, but its not impossible.

    You can use this forum to look for kababayans who'd be renting out their house, or go to;, and

    Good luck, and congrats!
  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @bevelled Hi! Thanks for your inputs!! depende rin if minimum 3 months lease cguro susubukan namin kc no choice na din..praying na lg na we can find work as soon as we get there.
  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    For a normal property you cannot do a 1 month lease, 6 months is the minimum, kung pinoy possible

    Google for Everything !!!

  • atchinoatchino Sydney
    Posts: 312Member
    Joined: Jan 09, 2011
    check mo mga service apartment for short stay.

    sample website:

    To all Kuripotz.. please visit my blog.
    May kasabihan tayo: Kuripot man at magaling... yayaman din....

  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @JCsantos thanks!! do u know of some Pinoys near Sydney CBD?
  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @atchino okay..thanks for your help!! I'm thinking for the long term e.g. 6 months..sana meron kaming makilala na mga pinoys in Sydney..thanks again!
  • eileenmceileenmc Sydney
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Sep 10, 2014
    Hi chinky. Are u still looking for a place? I was thinking of renting out a room... 4 bedroom townhouse sa Western Sydney. Please message me 0431443475. Thanks!
  • multitaskingmultitasking North Ryde
    Posts: 544Member
    Joined: Oct 02, 2012
    @ chinky
    any reason kung bakit dec 2014 ang punta nyo? reason I asked... mas mahirap makahanap ng work in the month of december.. most of the companies kasi will be on Christmas break on starting 4th week of December then the 2nd week of January na ang balik.. unless na lang kung mag odd jobs muna kayo..

    for planning purposes.. i would suggest na i forecast nyo na 3 - 6 months bago makakuha ng work.. kung mapaaga yung work... mas ok.. pero kung madelay.. at least ready kayo..

    May 2012 - Revalidated ACS Application (System Analyst)
    9/1/2012 - Taken My 3rd IELTS Exam
    9/14/2012 - Got IELTS results: L=8,R=8.5,W=7,S=7 .. :-) .. pag may tiyaga..may nilaga
    9/15/2012 - Updated my EOI = 65 points (visa 190);60 (VISA 189)
    10/10/2012 - Australia Federal Police Clearance Submitted Online
    10/11/2012 - FBI Clearance Sent Through DHL
    10/22/2012 - Received scan copy of AFP clearance from my friend in Melbourne
    11/15/2012 - Received Invitation for 189 (about 2 months after 60 pts effectivity)
    11/24/2012 - 189 VISA Lodged
    11/29/2012 - DIAC Ack :-)
    12/4/2012 - Received FBI clearance. Friend in US sent scanned copy
    12/17/2012 - CO Assigned
    04/17/2013 Visa 189 Granted.. Thank you Lord...
    08/09/2013 - Flight to Sydney through PAL
    08/10/2013 - Touchdown Sydney
    08/12/2013 - Start of Job Hunt in Australia
    08/26/2013 - First day of work... THANK YOU LORD...
    07/16/2015 - Transferred to my second job/company
    Pray, Hope AND Don't Worry - Padre Pio

  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    Agree with the post above, palipasin nyo muna pasko at bagong taon sa pinas baka nadagdag sa frustration nyo

    Google for Everything !!!

  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @multitasking Hi! December kasi yung deadline ng visa namin..kaya hinahabol namin pra namn hindi ma revoke yung visa..planning to stay there for a couple of weeks only then uwi muna sa Pinas..thanks a lot sa advice at sa help..malaking tulong sa amin..:-)
  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @atchino thanks will do!
  • chinkychinky Sydney
    Posts: 68Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2014
    @JCsantos yes I agree mas lalong nakakalungkot na Holidays eh walang lang Dec kasi dapat IED naman kaya we have to be there..:-)
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