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Looking for Studio or 1BR Apartment close to Melbourne CBD

downzhiftdownzhift SydneyPosts: 19Member
Move-in date October 4 or 5.
Please PM to discuss. Thanks!


  • DayanskiDayanski Perth
    Posts: 22Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2013
    Hi, girl ka ba or boy?

    1 March 2014 - IELTS: Academic Module test date
    14 March 2014 - IELTS results: L-8.5, R-9, W-7, S-7, OBS: 8
    21 March 2014 - Application received by CPA Australia (CPAA) for ANZSCO 221213 External Auditor
    15 April 2014 - Assessment completed by CPAA
    21 April 2014 - Received letter from CPAA: 12/12
    21 April 2014 - Lodged 189 EOI plus partner's points (70 pts.)
    28 April 2014 - Received invite to lodge Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) visa application
    4 May 2014 - Lodged Visa Application
    10 May 2014 - Medicals
    20 May 2014 - Medicals received by DIBP
    28 May 2014 - CO Allocated - Team 23 GSM Adelaide
    24 June 2014 - Uploaded police clearance
    25 June 2014 - Uploaded Form 80
    1 July 2014 - Visa Grant
    19 July 2014 - Melbourne bound

  • downzhiftdownzhift Sydney
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2012
    Boy. Anyway, nakahanap na po. Thanks!
  • eddie_thomaseddie_thomas Sydney
    Posts: 55Member
    Joined: Aug 16, 2014
    san kayo nakakita sir ng place?
  • downzhiftdownzhift Sydney
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2012
    West Footscray sir, I was referred by a friend lang to someone who owns 2BR apartment so house sharing na lang muna for now.
  • cgmcgm Melbourne
    Posts: 212Member
    Joined: Dec 12, 2013
    hi po. we are still looking for a room closer to CBD. we plan to arrive nov 7th. let me know if you are looking for someone to share. i will be arriving with my wife at 4-yr old kid. thank you. :)


    Visa Status Trackers
    + -
    + -
    ACS ANZSCO Guide -
    ANZSCO Search -
    - check your occupation code details and state eligibility


    Family of 3 (me, wife and daughter)
    ANZSCO 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) - Visa 190 VIC

    17 Dec 2013 - Gathered School Docs (TOR, Diploma, Certifications, etc)
    17 Dec 2013 - NBI Clearance (Same Day Release)
    18 Jan 2014 - IELTS Exam #1
    31 Jan 2014 - Submitted ACS Assessment (261111)
    01 Feb 2014 - IELTS Results #1 - (L8, R7.5, W6, S7 = OBS:7)
    06 Feb 2014 - Submitted IELTS Results #1 for Remarking
    15 Mar 2014 - IELTS Exam #2
    23 Mar 2014 - IELTS Results #2 - (L,R 8.5, W7.0, S7.5 = OBS:8) God is good! :)
    02 Apr 2014 - IELTS Exam #1 Remarking Positive, W6.0 -> W6.5
    04 Apr 2014 - ACS Result, suitable (AQF Bachelor Degree, 4+ yrs exp)
    04 Apr 2014 - EOI Submitted (Plan A: 189 60pts, Plan B: 190 VIC 65pts)
    08 Apr 2014 - VIC SS - first contact, provided written statement
    15 May 2014 - Plan C: Submitted New ACS Assessment (135112)
    02 Jul 2014 - Plan C: Received ACS Assessment (135112 ICT Project Manager)
    07 Jul 2014 - VIC SS Invite Received (261111)
    08 Jul 2014 - NBI Renewal (same day release)
    09 Jul 2014 - Medicals
    21 Jul 2014 - Visa lodged (VIC SS)
    21-29 Jul 2014 - Frontload documents
    30 Sep 2014 - Direct Grant! Thank you Lord! :)
    07 Nov 2014 - Touchdown Melbourne! Temporarily staying at a friend
    07 Nov 2014 - Setup Centrelink, Bank Account, & TFN
    10 Nov 2014 - Setup Medicare
    07-25 Nov 2014 - Turista mode
    15 Nov 2014 - Apartment viewing on 4 locations
    16 Nov 2014 - Apartment application submitted
    17 Nov 2014 - Apartment application approved
    17-21 Nov 2014 - 3 TAFE Certifications ni misis sa hospitality
    22 Nov 2014 - Moved to our own apartment
    26 Nov 2014 - Job hunt started (me and wife)
    06 Dec 2014 - I started doing casual work
    12 Dec 2014 - Wife started casual work
    05 Jan 2014 - I started doing IT contract work
    18 Jan 2014 - Wife started working full-time

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