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chikka_gurl143chikka_gurl143 MelbournePosts: 43Member
edited October 2014 in Victoria - Melbourne
Hi to all newcomers in Melbourne! You might be interested in the following event:

It's happening this coming Saturday, 25th of October 2014, at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Center. And why should a newcomer (or even those migrants who have been in Melbourne for a long time) attend this event? I quote from the event's page the following:

For newly arrived or settled migrants, the Newcomers Melbourne event is an opportunity to learn about having your international credentials and skills assessed and recognised. The event will also connect you with education and training organisations that can help you find employment in your profession or trade. For all newcomers; settlement and arrival services will be available including private healthcare, banking (opening a bank account, applying for credit cards), housing, taxation, education and much more.
Pre-register online for FREE ENTRY! :)

10-May-14: lodged offshore Partner VISA (subclass 309) online
3-Jun-14: Lodged a 3-month VISITOR (subclass 600) VISA application
13-Jun-14: Visitor VISA grant
25-Jun-14: contacted by CO for additional documents
27-Jun-14: Flight to Aus
3-Sep-14: Applied for a 3-month visitor VISA extension (as my VISA will expire on 28th Sep)
5-Sep-14: Visitor Visa extension grant date – (Sept 28-Dec 28, 2014)
3-Dec-14: Received an email from CO stating that I have to depart Aus because a decision was ready to be given
7-Dec-14: Back in the Phils
11-Dec-14: Partner VISA grant
23-Dec-14: Flight to Aus

Waiting period: 7 Months (Praise God! ^_^)

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

My hubby and I have been attending Hillsong Church Melbourne city campus since Feb 2014 and I am loving it! If you’re new here in Mebourne or you have been here for a long time but you haven’t yet found a church where you feel a sense of belongingness, we can go to church together! ^_^ Let us know!

God is awesome all the time! ;)


  • bachekongbachekong Melbourne
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jul 25, 2013
    Uy sayang nahuli ako ng basa dito.

    April,2013- Personal Interview by Employer
    June 2013 - Job Offer
    June 2013 - Signed Employment Contract
    Chef (commercial cookery) 351311
    July,2013 - Self reviewing for IELTS
    July,2013 - Gathering documents for Vetassess
    August,2013 - IELTS passed
    September,2013 - Vettasess....BAGSAK!
    September,2013 - Employer...umatras!
    September,2013 - ako....depressed, gumuho ang mundo
    November,2013 - apply sa TPRC, bahala na, sayang IELTS eh
    Dec.2013 - May, 2014 - katakut takot na assessment ulit. PASSED
    October, 2014 - AY LAB YU Melbourne!

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