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2013 Subaru XV 2.0i-S for SALE ($30K negotiable)

rockyrocky MandaluyongPosts: 102Member
edited November 2014 in Western Australia - Perth
Moving out of Australia and need to sell my SUV. 22,500km palang tinatakbo. First owner and all log book services, fairly new, and in very good condition. Sayang kasi kung sa dealer lang mapupunta. $30K negotiable.

Please call to set up viewing/test drive.
XV1.jpg 205.2K
XV2.jpg 108.2K
XV3.jpg 170.8K
XV4.jpg 105.4K
XV5.jpg 175.9K


  • rockyrocky Mandaluyong
    Posts: 102Member
    Joined: Jul 22, 2013
    Hi admins, can you please delete this post. The car has already been sold. Thank you!
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