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Starting Partner Visa Application 309/100

Hi, with regards to applying online for a Partner Visa subclass 309/100, does anyone have an idea if it would be possible for me to be the one to create an ImmiAccount on behalf of my husband which is the primary applicant to start with? Can either the two us update the details in the ImmiAccount? Hope you can advice us. TIA.


  • poinsettia9poinsettia9 Brisbane
    Posts: 96Member
    Joined: Aug 18, 2013
    Yes, that's what me and my hubby did.

    July 9 2013: Applied for ANMAC
    Nov 19 2013: ANMAC assessment completed
    Nov. 22 2013: Applied for state nomination (visa 190)
    Dec. 13 2013: State Nomination approved
    Dec. 14 2013: Submitted EOI/ Bridging Visa A granted
    Feb. 3 2014: CO assigned (Additional doc. requested)
    Feb. 7 2014: NBI and Medicals submitted
    Feb. 20, 2014: Visa Grant

  • chikka_gurl143chikka_gurl143 Melbourne
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: Aug 25, 2014
    Hi @jovangelderoña! Yes, you can create an immiAccount on your husband's behalf.

    I am not sure if this is the case for everyone but my husband had to create an immiAccount for himself as well because he needed to fill out the "Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia" form. I was the main applicant and I created my own ImmiAccount prior to that.

    Hope that helps.

    10-May-14: lodged offshore Partner VISA (subclass 309) online
    3-Jun-14: Lodged a 3-month VISITOR (subclass 600) VISA application
    13-Jun-14: Visitor VISA grant
    25-Jun-14: contacted by CO for additional documents
    27-Jun-14: Flight to Aus
    3-Sep-14: Applied for a 3-month visitor VISA extension (as my VISA will expire on 28th Sep)
    5-Sep-14: Visitor Visa extension grant date – (Sept 28-Dec 28, 2014)
    3-Dec-14: Received an email from CO stating that I have to depart Aus because a decision was ready to be given
    7-Dec-14: Back in the Phils
    11-Dec-14: Partner VISA grant
    23-Dec-14: Flight to Aus

    Waiting period: 7 Months (Praise God! ^_^)

    “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

    My hubby and I have been attending Hillsong Church Melbourne city campus since Feb 2014 and I am loving it! If you’re new here in Mebourne or you have been here for a long time but you haven’t yet found a church where you feel a sense of belongingness, we can go to church together! ^_^ Let us know!

    God is awesome all the time! ;)

  • arskyarsky Sydney
    Posts: 66Member
    Joined: Sep 25, 2014
    @jovangelderoña You can do it either way .... You can create your own immiaccount or you can create an immiaccount for your husband.

    But I think its just better to create your own immaccount so that if something went wrong you can ask for immigration technical assistance.

    Once you create your immiaccount you can lodge a visa application in behalf of your husband. You will be issued a reference number for that application.

    You or your husband have to complete that online form, submit , and pay for the lodging fee

    Once this is paid you can now fill up the form "Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia"

    When filling up the sponsorship form you will then be ask o link that sponsorship form with the partner visa application reference number. ( You will not be able to this until you made the payment)

    When both the Migration to Australia by a partner form and the Sponsorship form is completed. You can now start uploading your documents

    You will notice that you already have an HAP ID for medical

    Yes both of you can update that single immiaccount .

    I just dont know what will happen if there is a multiple login on the same immiaccount?

  • jovangelderoñajovangelderoña Sydney
    Posts: 8Member
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Wow, thanks so much po for the replies. I have already created our immiaccount and Im glad to know that we can both have access and therefore either of us can update it anytime. Hi, @arsky, I appreciate that step-by-step info, and regarding the multiple login, I just noticed that I am receiving notifications of successful login to immiaccount in my email.
  • jovangelderoñajovangelderoña Sydney
    Posts: 8Member
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    I have some more questions,
    1) kailangan ba talaga ng celebrant ID number? I couldn't find it in our marriage certificate.
    2) how long po usually ang processing times before ma grant ang visa from the time ng lodgement?
    Thanks much in advance! :)
  • chikka_gurl143chikka_gurl143 Melbourne
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: Aug 25, 2014
    Yes kailangan ng celebrant ID. I had to ring the immi and made an inquiry about that. Tinawagan ko pa yung pastor na nagksal sa 'min kasi initially I couldn't find the ID. Pero nasa marriage cert ko lang pala. In my cert, the celebrant ID is right at the bottom of the pastor's name.

    10-May-14: lodged offshore Partner VISA (subclass 309) online
    3-Jun-14: Lodged a 3-month VISITOR (subclass 600) VISA application
    13-Jun-14: Visitor VISA grant
    25-Jun-14: contacted by CO for additional documents
    27-Jun-14: Flight to Aus
    3-Sep-14: Applied for a 3-month visitor VISA extension (as my VISA will expire on 28th Sep)
    5-Sep-14: Visitor Visa extension grant date – (Sept 28-Dec 28, 2014)
    3-Dec-14: Received an email from CO stating that I have to depart Aus because a decision was ready to be given
    7-Dec-14: Back in the Phils
    11-Dec-14: Partner VISA grant
    23-Dec-14: Flight to Aus

    Waiting period: 7 Months (Praise God! ^_^)

    “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

    My hubby and I have been attending Hillsong Church Melbourne city campus since Feb 2014 and I am loving it! If you’re new here in Mebourne or you have been here for a long time but you haven’t yet found a church where you feel a sense of belongingness, we can go to church together! ^_^ Let us know!

    God is awesome all the time! ;)

  • jovangelderoñajovangelderoña Sydney
    Posts: 8Member
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Thanks for replying @chikka_gurl143 We are actually still waiting for our Marriage cert from NSO to be released maybe sa Jan 2015. I hope they will mention it there. The current one that we have kasi was from the munisipyo which doesn't indicate the celebrant's ID number.
  • jovangelderoñajovangelderoña Sydney
    Posts: 8Member
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Question po ulit.. Is it going to matter if hindi pa ako nakapag change name into my married name once magproceed sa application? Million TIA.
  • muffles127muffles127 Sydney
    Posts: 168Member
    Joined: Apr 06, 2014
    @jovangelderoña no. Up to now hindi ko pa rin napapalitan yung surname ko. Wala naman problem :)
  • quesoboyquesoboy Quezon City
    Posts: 56Member
    Joined: Dec 03, 2013
    Hi everyone!

    I have a question regarding partner visa application.

    My girlfriend and I are currently in Australia. I'm on a 189 visa, and she's on a 457 visa. What happens to her visa if we get married? Does she automatically gain permanent resident status, or does she still have to apply for that? If she needs to apply for it, do you have any idea how much it would cost? I'm not sure under which category it falls under.

    I hope you guys can help me out with this. Thanks!

    My Timeline:

    28 Mar 2014 - Submitted ACS Skills Assessment
    10 May 2014 - Took IELTS (General)
    26 May 2014 - Received ACS Skills Assessment Result: Suitable
    27 May 2014 - IELTS Results (L: 8.5; R: 9; W: 7; S: 8.5; OBS: 8.5)
    28 May 2014 - Submitted EOI for Visa 189
    23 Jun 2014 - Received Invitation for Visa Application
    26 Jun 2014 - Lodged Visa 189 Application
    15 Sep 2014 - Direct Visa Grant

  • ava_garde06ava_garde06 Sydney
    Posts: 67Member
    Joined: Mar 03, 2014
    @arsky thanks also for the detailed explanation
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