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Help! Preparing for a partner Visa Application

jdpelitejdpelite SingaporePosts: 2Member
I just need some help. This sounds stupid but hope you can help.
Im going to apply for my offshore partner visa. Confused lang ako kasi my passport will expire in a year and it states that waiting time is around 1 year.
Currently in Singapore aq and when i check online, February pa and earliest available ng renewal of passport taz two months pa ang waiting time for release. Gusto q sana magapply na agad ng partner visa lalo na matagal ang waiting time taz tataas pa ang application fee. Pede ko bang gamitin ang current passport q then apply na lng renewal while waiting for the visa result?


  • elmavalelmaval Sydney
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2014
    @jdpelitejdpelite yup you can lodge your partner visa application using your cureent passport as long na hindi pa expire yun. Even if you were not able to renew at the time of the decision. your case officer will just request for your new passport. Your expired passport after you lodge your apllication has no effect on the decision of the case officer. off course you want it renewed before the decision just to avoid any further ddelay
  • jdpelitejdpelite Singapore
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Dec 22, 2014
    Thanks a lot
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