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Room for Rent in Sydenham, Victoria

Room4Rent2015Room4Rent2015 MelbournePosts: 3Member
edited October 2015 in Housing & Rentals
Hi All!

- Located at 346 Watergarden Mews (Sydenham Road)
- Filipino Housemates
- Near Shopping Centre
- Walking distance to train station (7-10 minutes walk)
- 30 minutes train trip to Melbourne CBD (by 2015, will be under One Zone acc to Metro)
- No pets
- Non-smoking
- 150AUD/week
_ Preferably Male or Female Single Occupant as living with family (with 2 kids). Thanks for your understanding.
- Available anytime for occupancy!

PM me so I can give you further information with regards to this ad. Thank You! :)


  • tulogistatulogista Melbourne
    Posts: 59Member
    Joined: Apr 28, 2014
    hi, 150aud/week all inclusive (bills, internet, etc)?

    Nominated Occupation: Analyst Programmer (ANZSCO 261311)
    Dependents: Wife and daughter
    26/04/2013: IELTS Examination (L - 9; R - 7; S - 7; W - 7)
    19/07/2014: Submitted ACS skills assessment application.
    29/07/2014: ACS Result: Suitable for migration. 5 years skilled work and AQF Bachelor's Degree equivalent.
    29/07/2014: Submitted EOI. Points total is 60.
    29/08/2014: Received invitation to apply for Visa Subclass 189.
    21/10/2014: Lodged 189 visa application.
    22/10/2014: Uploaded required documents except for medicals and NBI clearances.
    07/11/2014: Finished medicals at SLEC BGC. Applied for NBI clearance at NBI Robinsons Galleria.
    11/11/2014: Medicals uploaded by SLEC. NBI clearances uploaded.
    08/12/2014: Uploaded Form 80 and additional payslips
    17/12/2014: Direct Grant! Salamat sa Diyos! :)

  • Room4Rent2015Room4Rent2015 Melbourne
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Mar 13, 2015
    hello there! yes po. we also have TFC and you'll have your own set of cooking and eating utensils. pls do send me pm at [email protected] should you have further enquiries. :)
  • zras510zras510 Melbourne
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Jan 06, 2015
    edited May 2015
    Hi! Is this still available? I know it might be too late.
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