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APHRA July 2015 - New Guideline on English Language Skills

revskyrevsky RiyadhPosts: 102Member
Mga kabayang kong Nars,

May latest guideline inilabas ang APHRA effective July 1,2015.

From 1 July 2015, new registration standards for English language skills will come into effect for all professions, except Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice.
The new standards are:
a common standard for 12 professions: Chinese medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical, medical radiation, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology
the standard for 10 Boards (no additional wording)
the standard for dental, with the addition for some very brief dental-specific words for applicants for limited registration
the standard for medical, with the addition of information about two medicine-specific English language tests
a profession-specific standard for nursing and midwifery, which shares many elements with the common standard.

You achieve the required minimum scores in one of the following English language tests and meet the requirements for test results specified in this standard:
a. the IELTS (academic module) with a minimum overall score of 7 and a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking).
We will only accept test results:
i. from one test sitting, or
ii. a maximum of two test sittings in a six month period only if:
• you achieve a minimum overall score of 7 in each sitting, and
• you achieve a minimum score of 7 in each component across the two sittings, and
• no score in any component of the test is below 6.5
b. the OET with a minimum score of B in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking).
NOTE:We will only accept test results:
i. from one test sitting, or
ii. a maximum of two test sittings in a six month period only if:
• you are tested in all four components in each sitting, and
• you achieve a minimum score of B in each component across the two sittings, and
• no score in any component of the test is below C.

Registered Nurse-NEC
8 years work experience
Timeline. My Journey to Au.
December 2015- Passed OET B scores
April 2016- Applied AHPRA registration
May 2016- Received AHPRA Referral Letter for bridging program
May 2016- Enrolled Bridging program
September 2016- Started Bridging program
December 2016- Completed Bridging program
January 2017-AHPRA-NMBA Registered Nurse Division 1
March 2017-Received job offer letter and contract signed
April 2017- Applied 457 visa application.
April 2017- Applied ANMAC Modified Skills Assessment
May 2017- 457 Visa granted and landed in AU.
July 2017- ANMAC Positive Letter of Determination(Suitable for Migration)
August 2017- Submitted Skills Select EOI- 70 points
Sept 6 2017-Received invitation to apply visa
Oct 10, 2017- Apply Skilled Independent Visa 189 with 2 dependents
Nov. 24, 2017- CO Contract- requested for payslips.
March 20, 2018- Visa Granted and Thank you Lord God.


  • revskyrevsky Riyadh
    Posts: 102Member
    Joined: Jun 07, 2015
    goodnews ito sa mga pinoy nurses. pwede na icombine yung 2 ielts basta di baba sa 6.5 at oet results not below C sa 6 months period.

    Registered Nurse-NEC
    8 years work experience
    Timeline. My Journey to Au.
    December 2015- Passed OET B scores
    April 2016- Applied AHPRA registration
    May 2016- Received AHPRA Referral Letter for bridging program
    May 2016- Enrolled Bridging program
    September 2016- Started Bridging program
    December 2016- Completed Bridging program
    January 2017-AHPRA-NMBA Registered Nurse Division 1
    March 2017-Received job offer letter and contract signed
    April 2017- Applied 457 visa application.
    April 2017- Applied ANMAC Modified Skills Assessment
    May 2017- 457 Visa granted and landed in AU.
    July 2017- ANMAC Positive Letter of Determination(Suitable for Migration)
    August 2017- Submitted Skills Select EOI- 70 points
    Sept 6 2017-Received invitation to apply visa
    Oct 10, 2017- Apply Skilled Independent Visa 189 with 2 dependents
    Nov. 24, 2017- CO Contract- requested for payslips.
    March 20, 2018- Visa Granted and Thank you Lord God.

  • rejai_11rejai_11 Mortdale NSW
    Posts: 212Member
    Joined: May 23, 2013
    Definitely a good news.

    Main applicant : husband Occupation: Software Engineer
    June 2, 2013 : Submitted ACS Skills assessment
    July 27,2013 : IELTS GT- Competent
    Sept.3,2013 : ACS suitable AQF Bachelor Degree, 8yrs
    *ayaw na mag ielts after 3 takes- 55pts. waiting for NSW state sponsorship
    May 22,2015 : NSW invitation recieved
    June 12,2015 : Skillselect invitation to apply visa
    June 16,2015: Lodge visa, Applied SG COC
    July 3,2015 : All documents, medicals,COC uploaded
    August 7, 2015: CO Allocated. Asking for Form 80.
    August 25, 2015: Visa Grant
    Oct.20,2015: Last day of work in SG
    NOv-Dec 2015: Bakasyon gallore in Pinas
    Jan 2016: THE BIG MOVE!!!
    *Your's truly: RN
    August 2013: IELTS Academic : Competent [OBS 7 needed]
    March 29,2014 : OET Exam SG
    April 17,2014 : Passed OET
    May 20 ,2014: Sent Ahpra NSW application
    Jan 20,2015: Referral for Bridging Program
    April 20-July 4: Bridging Course in ACN Sydney
    July 5, 2015: Awaiting AHPRA registration.
    Aug.20,2015: Ahpra registration finalized
    Aug, 21: Last day of work in SG
    Aug 25,2015 : Visa Grant (190) Thank you Lord!
    Sept 15,2015: Initial Entry (alone)
    Sept 21,2015: Back in SG
    Nov-Dec 2015: Pinas, bakasyon gallore
    Jan 2016: THE BIG MOVE!!
    *** Currently happily working at NSW Health***
    Life has been great!

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