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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
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Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
261311 - Analyst Programmer | Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Australian Education: 5 | English Proficiency: 20 | NAATI CCL: 5 | Professional Year: 5 | Total: 80
26 Oct 2015 - Visa 573 Granted
01 Nov 2015 - The Eagle has landed
02 Nov 2015 - First Day High
15 Feb 2017 - Hubby and Bubba joined me in Melbourne
01 Dec 2017 - Graduated Masters!
21 Mar 2018 - Visa 485 Granted
20 Feb 2019 - Sat NAATI CCL Exam in Adelaide
21 Mar 2019 - ACS Skills Assessment Positive, Qualification has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a Major in computing.
23 Apr 2019 - Medicals Cleared - No actions required
29 Apr 2019 - Submitted EOI for 189
11 Jul 2019 - ITA received
23 Jul 2019 - Lodged Visa 189! Speaking life over our PR application ♡
04 Feb 2020 - CO Michael Contact (Asking for Evidence of NAATI CCL pass document, Status: Initial Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Responded to CO Contact, attached evidence of NAATI CCL documents (Status: Further Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Provided Compliment Feedback via DHA website
06 Feb 2020 - Received Feedback Acknowledgement email from CO Sebastian
06 Feb 2020 - Golden Visa Grant! PRAISE GOD!
08 Apr 2022 - Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter
27 Apr 2022 - Australian Citizenship by Conferral approved
20 July 2022 - Australian Citizenship Oath Taking Whitehorse Council
Posts: 41Member
Joined: Jan 17, 2015
Notification of refusal of application for a Visitor (class FA) Visitor (Tourist) (subclass
600) visa
I wish to advise you that the application for this visa has been refused for the following
Client Name
Date of Birth
The attached Decision Record provides more detailed information about this decision as it
applies to this applicant.
Review rights
There is no right of merits review for this decision.
Receiving this Letter
As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day
it was transmitted.
Questions about this decision
The department cannot consider your visa application any further.
Visa Application charge
The visa application charge which has already been paid can only be refunded in limited
circumstances, regardless of the application outcome.
Client service information
We value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. Your compliments let us know
where we are performing well and your complaints and suggestions help us improve the
services we provide.
Further information on our Client Service Charter and how to make a compliment, complaint
or suggestion is available at
Yours sincerely
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Application details
Visa Class Visitor (class FA) Visitor (Tourist) (subclass
Stream (main applicant only) Tourist
Date of Visa Application
Transaction Reference Number (TRN)
Application ID
File Number
Visa Application Charge Receipt Number
Client Name
Date of Birth
Client ID
Visa Subclass Stream Tourist
The applicant’s claims
The applicant claims to travel to undertake a holiday as a genuine visitor to Australia and has
submitted relevant supporting documents supporting this claim including information relating
to the applicant’s personal and financial circumstances in the Philippines.
Information and evidence considered
I am a delegated decision maker under section 65 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act). In
reaching my decision, I have considered the following:
● Relevant legislation contained in the Act and Migration Regulations 1994 (the
● Information contained in the department's policy guidelines Procedures Advice Manual
From all the information available to me, including the documents and information the
applicant provided, I find that the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa are not met
by the applicant.
I have assessed the application by the applicant and the reasons for my decision are detailed
An application for a Visitor (Tourist) visa has been made by the applicant.
Under the migration law, a visa cannot be granted unless the applicant meets the relevant
legal requirements that are specified in the Act and the Regulations. Clause 600.211(c) has
not been met by the applicant on the date I made my decision.
This provision states that:
600.211 The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for
which the visa is granted, having regard to:
(a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last
substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject; and
(b) whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600
visa would be subject; and
(c) any other relevant matter.
Relevant considerations in deciding whether the applicant intends a genuine visit can include,
but are not limited to, the following:
Personal circumstances or other conditions in the applicant’s home country, that may
encourage the applicant to remain in Australia, including:
- the applicant’s economic situation - including unemployment or employment that, based on
knowledge of local employment conditions, such as salary rates, would not constitute a strong
incentive for the applicant to leave Australia;
- the applicant’s personal ties to Australia, that is, does the applicant have more close family
members living in Australia than in their home country;
- military service commitments;
- civil disruption, including war, lawlessness or political upheaval in the applicant’s home
country; and
- economic disruption, including shortages, famine, or high levels of unemployment, or
natural disasters in the applicant’s home country.
Whilst the applicant has supplied relevant information relating to their personal circumstances
in the Philippines, the documentation supplied by the applicant has failed to demonstrate that
the applicant has significant ties to the Philippines that would induce them to return home
within the validity of their visa nor would it be reasonable for them to be away from the
commitments and responsibilities that they have demonstrated for the purposes of a holiday.
Therefore, I give no weight to asset ownership, business ties or cultural ties as evidence that
the applicant intends a genuine visit to Australia and cannot consider these ties as factors that
will induce the applicant to depart Australia within the validity of their visa.
Posts: 41Member
Joined: Jan 17, 2015
Posts: 888Member
Joined: Apr 27, 2015
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
261311 - Analyst Programmer | Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Australian Education: 5 | English Proficiency: 20 | NAATI CCL: 5 | Professional Year: 5 | Total: 80
26 Oct 2015 - Visa 573 Granted
01 Nov 2015 - The Eagle has landed
02 Nov 2015 - First Day High
15 Feb 2017 - Hubby and Bubba joined me in Melbourne
01 Dec 2017 - Graduated Masters!
21 Mar 2018 - Visa 485 Granted
20 Feb 2019 - Sat NAATI CCL Exam in Adelaide
21 Mar 2019 - ACS Skills Assessment Positive, Qualification has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a Major in computing.
23 Apr 2019 - Medicals Cleared - No actions required
29 Apr 2019 - Submitted EOI for 189
11 Jul 2019 - ITA received
23 Jul 2019 - Lodged Visa 189! Speaking life over our PR application ♡
04 Feb 2020 - CO Michael Contact (Asking for Evidence of NAATI CCL pass document, Status: Initial Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Responded to CO Contact, attached evidence of NAATI CCL documents (Status: Further Assessment)
04 Feb 2020 - Provided Compliment Feedback via DHA website
06 Feb 2020 - Received Feedback Acknowledgement email from CO Sebastian
06 Feb 2020 - Golden Visa Grant! PRAISE GOD!
08 Apr 2022 - Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter
27 Apr 2022 - Australian Citizenship by Conferral approved
20 July 2022 - Australian Citizenship Oath Taking Whitehorse Council