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Fishing in Perth

AJ0508AJ0508 MelbournePosts: 43Member
Hi guys,last few weeks was busy catching salmon in woodman point.Any fishing spot around Joondalup?Did you guys tried in Mindarie marina?Mill point?What fish?Thanks


  • CPAofOzCPAofOz Mandaluyong
    Posts: 137Member
    Joined: Sep 25, 2014
    @AJ0508 nice catch! see you there in Perth! :)

    DIBP -
    CPAA -

    Accountant (General) (221111)

    Requirements of Visa (Skilled Independent - 189):
    (a) Occupation in SOL - OK!
    (b) Skills assessment
    (c) below 50 yrs old - OK!
    (d) Points test - OK!
    (e) Competent English - OK!

    Points test (60pts):
    (a) Age - 25-32 yrs old - 30pts - OK!
    (b) English language ability - Proficient English (Plan A: 7.0 in each band of IELTS; Plan B: 65 in each component of PTE Academic) - 10pts
    (c) Skilled Employment - 3-5 yrs in skilled employment outside Australia - 5pts - OK!
    (d) Qualifications - Bachelor degree from a degree of a recognised standard - 15pts - OK!

    Requirements of Assessing Authority (CPAA - General Skills Assessment):
    (a) Bachelor degree - OK!
    (b) 7 Competency Areas - OK!
    (c) Proficient English

    Plan B: Student Visa - Masters by Coursework strike-out

    22 Apr 2014: IELTS Academic Speaking exam (take 1)
    24 Apr 2014: IELTS Academic Written exam (take 1)
    08 May 2014: IELTS Academic exam result - (L:6.0 | R:8.0 | W:6.5 | S:5.5) FAILED! :'(

    May 2014-Apr 2015: 1 year holiday! HAHA!

    14 May 2015: IELTS Academic Speaking exam (take 2)
    16 May 2015: IELTS Academic Written exam (take 2)
    29 May 2015: IELTS Academic exam result - (L:7.5 | R:7.0 | W:6.5 | S:6.0) FAILED AGAIN! :'(

    Current: PTE Academic review (Plan B for English Language Requirement)

    "The wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountain top"

  • tata2013tata2013 Perth
    Posts: 36Member
    Joined: Sep 11, 2013
    There's a group in fb for pinoys who love fishing...pinoy anglers
  • loving_couple26loving_couple26 Sydney
    Posts: 20Member
    Joined: Aug 05, 2015
    which fishing place in Perth did u catch salmon kabayan?
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