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Change of Marital Status after Visa Grant

REDRED PerthPosts: 391Member
Guys we need some information whether we need to inform anyone after receiving our grant when we change our marital status from de facto to married. This will happen before our initial entry. Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you :)

13-06-07 IELTS Take 1 (Failed)
13-06-22 Shipped Documents to Engineers Australia
13-08-09 IELTS Take 2 (Failed)
13-09-20 IELTS Take 3 (Failed)
13-10-05 Received Skill Assessment, Electronics Engineer (ANZSCO 233411)
13-10-05 Submitted EOI for190 (60 points) & 489 (65 points)
14-02-25 Suspend EOI (change of plans)
14-07-25 Updated EOI to 189 (60 points)
14-08-10 Received Invitation to apply for 189
14-08-23 Lodge Application
14-10-23 CO Assigned
14-11-05 Visa Grant - Thank you Lord :)
15-08-03 Initial entry in Perth


  • jttjtt Singapore
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Aug 18, 2015
    hi Red, i'm just wondering if you were able to change your status from de facto to married before your initial entry? because i'm in the same situation right now.

    thanks in advance.
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