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Room for rent In melbourne, victoria short term stay only

mdlsntmriamdlsntmria MelbournePosts: 95Member
Room for Rent

Location : altona 20 min away from melbourne cbd

Walking distance from Westona train station, coles, coffee shops, restaurants and BEACH.
130 per week including all bills(gas,water,electricity,internet,bed)

No bonds and deposit required.
Short term stay only. Max 2 weeks stay.

Subclass 573 Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management
July 2015 Intake

January 22, 2015 - Student visa Assessment at AMS Global
February 13, 2015 - IELTS Speaking exam
February 14, 2015 - IELTS Exam
February 27, 2015 - IELTS Result Acad(L-7;R-7;W-6.5;S-6.5=OBS-7)
March 18, 2015 - Received offer letter from WAI Melbourne
May 18, 2015 - OSHC Paid and Receive Cert
May 25, 2015 - Paid tuition Fee
May 27, 2015 - Received COE from WAI
June 1, 2015 - Medical at SLEC
june 15,2015 - Submitted all the documents at AMS
June 16, 2015 - Urinalysis done
June 16, 2015 - Documents already picked up by VFS at AMS
June 17, 2015 - Acknowledgement from the AU Embassy
June 29, 2015 - VISA GRANTED!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
July 8,2015 - Arrived in melbourne.
Waiting game is over.
"God will provide."


  • MadwaxMadwax Woolloongabba
    Posts: 79Member
    Joined: Jun 12, 2015
    Hi is the room still available?
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