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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Family of 3 looking for accomodation

MisterKehnMisterKehn SydneyPosts: 233Member
Hello Pinoy Melbourne.

Me, my wife and a 1 year old son will be moving to Melbourne on April.

We are looking for shared flat/house for us to stay, minimum of 3 mos. Me and my wife will have to look for job so we prefer to have it a walking distance to train station, near to CBD or a bus stop.

Any response is appreciated. Thank you very much.

31-July-2014: IELTS IDP - 1st Take
30-Oct-2014: IELTS IDP - 2nd Take
10-Jan-2015: IELTS BC - 3rd Take
11-Feb-2015: Submitted CDR to EA
07-July-2015: Received positive assessment from EA
08-July-2015: EOI submitted for Visa 190(SS)
31-July-2015: 1st take PTE (failed)
23-Aug-2015: 2nd take PTE(failed)
09-Sept-2015: 3rd take PTE results: Pass(finally!!!). Score converted to IELTS is 7.5 in each band
09-Sept-2015: Updated EOI for Visa 189 (Total points: 65)
09-Oct-2015: ITA received for Visa 189
11-Oct-2015: Visa Lodge
22-Oct-2015: Uploaded COC
04-Nov-2015: Medicals uploaded
10-Nov-2015: Visa Grant - Thank you Lord! .. :)
April-2016: Initial Entry Sydney


  • kamper17kamper17 Melbourne
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Jan 12, 2016
    Hi, I have a place that might be ready by April. Can you let me know what exact date you will be arriving? Close to train station.
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