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Looking for a Room in Macquarie Park or near suburbs

rtgigantortgiganto AucklandPosts: 9Member
Hi I am a Pinoy coming from New Zealand and starting an IT work between 21 to 29 March. I am looking for a long term room accomodation. I am a male and aged 44. Please reply to my post if you have a room or know of someone.


  • kel521kel521 Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Dec 05, 2015
    Hi Rtgiganto, Im also relocating to to Sydney from Melbourne on either March 22 or March 23. Just email me on [email protected] as I work just 5kms from Macquarie Park. Getting a 2beddder unit with 2x toilets would be a better option for me as well rather than getting 1x studio unit. Hope to hear from you. Regards
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