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RyanCFCRyanCFC FahaheelPosts: 13Member
For Pinoy Migrants (PR), paano po ang tamang approach sa pagdala ng pera (pocket money) kung wala ka pang any bank accounts within australia? Is it safe to bring cash? Please comment. Thanks po.


  • elainedeveraelainedevera Kensington
    Posts: 119Member
    Joined: May 06, 2015
    Hi @RyanCFC ! same thread exists, please check below link:


    December 13, 2014 - IELTS (Competent)
    January 19, 2015 - Submission of CDR in EA Portal online
    May 4, 2015 - Received Shortcoming Letter (TOR)
    May 5, 2015 - Responded to Shortcoming Letter
    May 22, 2015 - Received positive EA assessment
    May 25, 2015 - Submitted EOI
    July 6, 2015 - Received Invitation Letter/immiaccount submission
    July 8, 2015 - Lodged Application for Visa
    August 22, 2015 - document upload
    September 1, 2015 - Shortcoming List from CO
    September 25, 2015 - completed shortcoming list
    November 10, 2015 - Visa 189 Grant
    May 28, 2016 - Big move (Brisbane)

  • RyanCFCRyanCFC Fahaheel
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Mar 28, 2016
  • RyanCFCRyanCFC Fahaheel
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Mar 28, 2016
    Got it!



    There is no limit to the amount of currency you can bring in or out of Australia. However, you must declare amounts of AUD.10,000 or more in Australian currency or foreign equivalent.
    You must disclose any promissory notes, travellers' cheques, personal cheques, money orders, postal orders or other bearer negotiable instruments, regardless of value, if requested by one of our officers or a police officer."
  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @RyanCFC walang problema sa Au pag lagpas ka ng 10k cash na dala kasi declaration lang kailangan mo gawin. sa pinas lang hassle magdeclare ng pera na lagpas 10k.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • RyanCFCRyanCFC Fahaheel
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Mar 28, 2016
    Thanks @engineer20, copy!
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