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IELTS needed for?

RickRick Quezon CityPosts: 5Member
I want to apply for skilled regional(provisional)visa sub class 489,my sister is already Aus citizen and moving to sidney and i'm a Registered nurse in Phi.,what IELTS should i need to take- GT or academic and what score needed?


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    GT is ok but usually OET is required for those with medical profession...for 489 family sponsored are not allowed to live and work in sydney
  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    if you are claiming points for english..7 in each subtest is required..check your assessing body on their english req for your skills assessment
  • RickRick Quezon City
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Apr 09, 2016
    Thanks for the information..
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