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ICT Support Engineer/ICT Trainer

NicaNica MandaluyongPosts: 6Member
These two jobs are not in SOL. However, these are the best fit for my hubby's (PA) current job (8yrs exp). Will there be a way to rephrase the resume and somehow meet the description in Software Engineer? Any tips in resume writing?

The job titles that he had for the past years were Associate Software Engineer, Software Engineer Analyst, Senior Software Engineer, and so on.


  • therealaidstherealaids Singapore
    Posts: 118Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2011
    Hi Nica it's possible to nomite Software Engineer, you can tailor your job description and highlight more software engineer related task. Job title doesnt matter as long as the job description and the task your hubby is doing matches.
  • NicaNica Mandaluyong
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: May 02, 2016
    Thank you @therealaids. We went to several agencies (namely INS, ACS and Respall). All of them said that we does not qualify for skilled independent and advised us to apply for student visa instead. Should we still tailor the job description? Can you recommend a migration agent? Thank you again. :)
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