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Survey lang: Maraming bang tech startups dyan sa NSW?

pinoycoderpinoycoder SingaporePosts: 239Member
Survey lang :)

261313 - Software Engineer (190)
PTE = (20), Age = 26 (30), Experience = 5 years (0 - ACS deducted 5 years), Diploma (10) = 60
NSW SS = 60 + 5 points.
14-Nov-2016 - Direct Grant
26-Feb-2017 - Moved to Sydney


  • DenhamDenham Sydney
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: May 14, 2016
    It is definitely picking up. More and more professionals are dabbling in tech start-ups especially now since there's a growing support in the tech start-up scene (funding from VCs/accelerators like Blue Chilli, innovation support by local govt). In the Sydney CBD, there are numerous collaborative spaces where like minded people gather to work on their respective projects. You'll find these places as a great networking hub too (Fishburners, Creative commons etc...)
  • dashmugdashmug North Sydney
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jul 12, 2016
    I work on a startup in Sydney.
  • pinoycoderpinoycoder Singapore
    Posts: 239Member
    Joined: Jan 11, 2016
    hey @dashmug how's the IT market there in Sydney? and which is better for developers, sydney or melbourne?

    261313 - Software Engineer (190)
    PTE = (20), Age = 26 (30), Experience = 5 years (0 - ACS deducted 5 years), Diploma (10) = 60
    NSW SS = 60 + 5 points.
    14-Nov-2016 - Direct Grant
    26-Feb-2017 - Moved to Sydney

  • dashmugdashmug North Sydney
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jul 12, 2016
    Haven't been to Melbourne. And I've only been here for a month. So I can't comment on that yet.
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