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looking for flatmate to share rent with - Sydney :)

mklmkl SydneyPosts: 1Member
Hi, I am looking for a female flatmate to share an apartment with sa Parramatta area (or anywhere around the area). I am 30 years old and working full time. I currently live with my cousin's family, but I'm thinking of moving out soon, I'm just looking for someone to share a unit with. Target kong mag move ng mga July or August siguro. Message me if you're interested or email at [email protected]

Thank you :)


  • ms11ms11 Sydney
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jul 05, 2016
    Hi mkl, i messaged you. We are also for a flatmate. Thanks.
  • athena12athena12 Philippines
    Posts: 60Member
    Joined: Jun 10, 2016
    hello :) around how much will it cost kaya per week? thanks
  • ms11ms11 Sydney
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jul 05, 2016
    @athena12, at the moment we are looking at 180 for the room exclusive utilities which is equally divided into 3. but we want to negotiate the agent not to increase sana. This is a 3 bedroom house, and we need one lady flatmate who will be committed for atleast a year.. If you are interested, pls contact me at 0432903392. We want to negotiate and get the contract of lease as early as possible. Thanks..
  • ms11ms11 Sydney
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Jul 05, 2016
    We are in Ashfield, 7mins walk to the train stations and to the shops.
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