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Student to Worker in Australia

eldrinofsoalimeldrinofsoalim Posts: 5Member
edited August 2012 in Working in Australia

I'm planning to take my Masters in Australia this year. I'm taking a Masters of Information Technology Studies in ANU. It's a 1 year program.

I would like to inquire about what I have to do to be able to work in Australia after my 1 year program? What's the job market like in Australia right now, especially in IT?

I would really appreciate your advice. If you can, email me at [email protected].

Thank you and mabuhay!


  • Saphira0919Saphira0919 Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Jan 31, 2011
    Yeah, we've got the same question.. I'm planning to have a one-year masters program in AU also.. But dunno if I could work there (for good) after my visa expires..
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