Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

November 2016 visa 189/190/489



  • pinkpink SA
    Posts: 499Member
    Joined: Oct 20, 2015
    hi @jhazz01 DIY lang po. Sayang ang pambayad sa agent. Ganun din yun, ikaw rin naman gagawa ng lahat, except the lodging.

    Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts

    28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
    23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
    23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
    11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience) :(
    12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
    23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
    22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
    01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
    05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
    07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
    16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
    28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
    17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
    01.11.16 Lodged
    30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
    11.01.17 DG
    16.04.17 Big move

  • karel19karel19 Sydney
    Posts: 24Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2016
    Join po :)

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year

    pink | 190 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @karel19 | 189 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @karel19 @pink Goodluck and averyone lodging this November

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • jmban33jmban33 New Farm
    Posts: 289Member
    Joined: Mar 09, 2016
    @se29m bro nice to see you back
  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    Hi batchmates! I really prefer 189 because of a close friend waiting to help us start in Brisbane..but now I just got invited for sc190 from I still have the chance for 189 on the next round of invitation? Salamat po.

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @Teng10 ang laki ng chance mo bro... kasi ang taas ng pts. mo, yung iba nga 60 lang invited na kaagad... eto yung immitracker

    goodluck.... nagaantay din ako ng invite 189 next week. sana mapasama din,,, :)
    di na ako nag 190 para di maconfuse. pero kung di ako masasali sa invite next week try ko NSW tsaka Victoria.

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

  • tweety11tweety11 Singapore
    Posts: 568Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2016
    @Teng10 75pts ka db? Bakit nag 190 ka pa eh antaas na ng points mo? Kung isang EOI lang ginawa mo for both 189 at 190, I think di ka na makakatanggap ng invite for 189.

    233211 Civil Engineer

    08 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (LRW)
    10 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (S)
    31 Oct 16 Submitted EA assessment (fast track)
    18 Nov 16 EA outcome, EOI submitted
    23 Nov 16 ITA received
    07 Jan 17 Visa 189 lodged
    30 Jan 17 Direct Grant :)

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @tweety11 yes po..i ticked 190 too. :-/
    Thanks. I dont know but sure God has bigger plans for us.
    @dorbsdee best of luck bro.

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • tweety11tweety11 Singapore
    Posts: 568Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2016
    @Teng10 ang ginawa nung iba gumawa ng separate EOI for 189. Pwede mo din gawing option yun para masama ka next invitation round.

    233211 Civil Engineer

    08 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (LRW)
    10 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (S)
    31 Oct 16 Submitted EA assessment (fast track)
    18 Nov 16 EA outcome, EOI submitted
    23 Nov 16 ITA received
    07 Jan 17 Visa 189 lodged
    30 Jan 17 Direct Grant :)

  • SAP_MelakaSAP_Melaka Shanghai
    Posts: 542Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2016
    tweety11 said:

    @Teng10 ang ginawa nung iba gumawa ng separate EOI for 189. Pwede mo din gawing option yun para masama ka next invitation round.

    Agree with this, then let your 190 expires.

    ANZSCO Code 261111 (ICT Business Analyst)

    19.05.2016 - Completed ACS requirements
    25.05.2016 - Submitted documents for ACS assessment
    06.06.2016 - Positive Assessment. AQF Bachelor Degree (2 yrs. deduction)
    25.08.2016 - PTE (AUG Malaysia)
    05.09.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 78/81/73/79
    06.10.2016 - PTE Retake (AUG Malaysia)
    11.10.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 88/85/87/90 Finally!
    11.10.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190 (65/70)
    03.01.2017 - Updated points due to skilled employment of 3yrs. 189/190 (70/75)
    03.01.2017 - ITA received! Thank you Lord! (189)
    04.01.2017 - ITA received (190 - Victoria)
    21.01.2017 - Medical @ LifeCare Kuala Lumpur
    23.01.2017 - Health clearance provided – no action required
    14.02.2017 - VISA Lodged!
    09.03.2017 - Direct Grant! Thank you Lord

    13.10.2017 - Initial entry (Melbourne)
    15.04.2018 - Big Move!

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @Teng10 invitation pa lang naman yata yan to apply for WA SS. if i were you, i will wait for a 189 ITA.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • jhazz01jhazz01 Posts: 166Member
    Joined: Jul 17, 2016
    @pink yes kami din ako agent ni hubby
  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20 Thanks for the advice, yes po I was invited by WA. But we have our start up support in its confusing if I should wait for 189..or will I be invited for 189 even I just got invited for 190 in the same EOI.. :-/

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @jmban33 minsan naliligaw

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • ynnozkiynnozki Melby
    Posts: 292Member
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
    @Teng10 i suggest gawa ka ng isa pang EOI, 189 it asap para makasali sa next round of invitation...mataas score mo kaya malaki chance mo mainvite agad...hayaan mo muna yung 190, last option mo na lang yan

    312511 Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson

    05/06/13--ielts exam BC (LRWS=6.5)
    06/20/13--submitted documents to TRA, 07/31/13--TRA Result Unsuccesful
    07/27/13-- me and wife ielts exam IDP (still zero points)
    08/23/13--submitted new TRA docs, 10/10/13--result succesful
    10/26/13-3rd take ielts BC (LRS=7, W6.5)
    11/10/13-EOI submitted, SA SS application submitted--deffered
    10/06/15-CDR result succesful
    12/08/15- PTE result L76/R79/S86/W74
    01/29/16- Victoria SS --denied
    08/08/16- submitted new Victoria SS application
    09/23/16- ITA received
    10/31/16- lodge Visa 190
    12/02/16- DG baby...thank you Lord..long journey reached the visa finish line

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @Teng10 ITA na ba yan or pinagpapasa ka pa lang ng WA to apply for their state sponsorhip? I took note of your nominated occupation and it is on Schedule 2 of WASMOL meaning you need to provide an employment contract for a job offered to you in WA.

    My advise, just ignore WA's invitation email and wait for the nezt 189 invitation round.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • hayrOHOirohayrOHOiro Australia
    Posts: 209Member
    Joined: Sep 29, 2016
    Kaway kaway sa November batch.. sana makasama na sa Invite this coming nov9 or 23..

    "wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

    Electronics Engineer

    Jul 2015: Arrived in Oz, 457visa
    Mar 2016 : Decided to apply for PR
    Dec 2016: Visa Lodged
    Feb 2017: VISA Grant
    Jul 2019 : Citizenship application
    Aug 2019: Moved to Perth
    Oct 2019: Status "Further Assessment"
    Feb 2020: Approved. No Interview nor Exam

  • rich88rich88 Quezon City
    Posts: 1,022Member
    Joined: Feb 26, 2016


    Question: If there would be any changes on the occupation (eg. attained 3 yrs), I read that points are automatically be computed. Is the notification email sent on the first day of the month? I've met the 3 years skilled occupation by this month (Nov.) and wala akong email.

    Thanks a lot!

    @SAP_Melaka anong sabi sa ACS assessment mo bro? Baka nakasulat "... after November 2013" kaya December pa mag take effect yung 3 years experience? Dapat mag eemail sila sayo na madadagdagan points mo eh.

    01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
    08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
    29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
    10-Aug-16 - ITA received
    25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
    20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)

    IED: March 2017

  • mugsy27mugsy27 Oakhurst
    Posts: 397Member
    Joined: Jun 16, 2016
    Teng10 said:

    @engineer20 Thanks for the advice, yes po I was invited by WA. But we have our start up support in its confusing if I should wait for 189..or will I be invited for 189 even I just got invited for 190 in the same EOI.. :-/

    go for 189 mas madami advantage.. gawa ka ng bagong EOI for 189 :)>-

    233411: Electronics Engineer

    20 Aug'16: IELTS (BC-SG)
    2 Sep'16: IELTS Results: L8.5 R7 W6.5 S6.5 - saklap
    7 Sep'16: Lodged EA Assessment
    23 Sep'16: EA Positive Outcome
    25 Oct'16: PTE-A Results: L:80 R:83 W:86 S:84 - Thank you God!!!!!
    25 Oct'16: Lodged 189 Visa (75 pts)
    26 Oct'16: Received ITA for 189 - Thank you God!!!!
    21 Nov'16: 189 Visa Lodged!
    23 Nov'16: Uploaded all Docs
    28 Nov'16: Direct Grant! ... THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!
    25 Jun'17 - BIG MOVE
    4 Sep'17 - Started working

    Great things start from small beginnings... - MILO

    29 Jun'21: Applied for Au Citizenship
    04 Mar'22: Interview and Exam Date (re-sched due to Covid isolation)
    04 May'22: Interview and Exam Date (actual)
    04 May'22: Citizenship by Conferral Approval
    02 Jul'22: Oath Taking Ceremony .... Aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20..invitation na ito..ITA na po. State sponsored na po. Salamat!

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @Teng10 may nakuha kang work sa WA or presently nasa WA ka ba?

    I suggest gawa ka na lang bagong EOI for 189 at abangan next invitation round. halos 100% naman na maiinvite ka. may 60 days pa naman from 190 ITA bago yan magexpire.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • deloriandelorian Singapore
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Oct 15, 2016
    I hope to get invite this 1st round ng november

    Mechl Engineer

    233512 Mech'l Engr

    24 Sept 2016 - IELTS (naka 10points)
    11 Oct 2016 - EA RSA Submitted
    04 Nov 2016 - EA Result Received and EOI lodged right away
    23 NOV 2016 - ITA Received
    28 NOV 2016 - Medical (cleared in 2 days)
    01 DEC 2016 - Wife and 2 Kids Medical (Awaiting for result)
    08 Dec 2016 - Visa lodged (all applicable and available documents uploaded)
    13 Dec 2016 - Wife and son medicals cleared
    14 Dec 2016 - Eldest son Medicals cleared
    20 Dec 2016 - 1st CO Contact (GSM Adelaide) asking for eldest son's Form 815 (submitted the same day)
    01 Feb 2017 - 2nd CO Contact (same CO) asking to Answer Questionnaire for Penal Waiver Support (submitted the next day)
    17 May 2017 - GRANT (after 160 days)
    08 June to 14 June 2017 - Initial Entry fulfilment
    13 July 2017 - Received a job offer sa Sydney (resigned immediately sa SG company)
    13 Aug 2017 - BM sa Sydney
    14 Aug 2017 - Start of Employment
    15 Sep 2017 - Wife and kids' BM...

  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @delorian pasok ka na bro.... ako nga 60 pts. lang same 233512 asang-asa sa wednesday. By the way, eto pala yung tracker, may mga nainvite nga 60pts 1 day prior to invitation round.... pasok na yan bro.. goodluck!

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

  • mehawk28mehawk28 Philippines
    Posts: 177Member
    Joined: Jun 01, 2016
    @delorian super laki ng chance mo mainvite taas ng points mo.

    @Teng10 tama cla @engineer20 mas okay ang 189. Gawa ka ng bagong EOI ang taas ng points mo karamihan 60 at 65 lng.

    June-16 - IELTS Result
    28-Aug-16 - EA CDR Submission
    12-Sept-16 - Received Positive Outcome from EA
    26-Sept-16 -SubmittedEOI 189 (60points)
    05-Oct- 16- Submitted EOI 190 (60 + 5points)
    12-Oct-16 - Received ITA for 189
    13-Oct-16 - Received SS NSW Invitation for 190
    23-Oct-16-Lodged Visa 189 Application
    24-Oct-16- Our first baby was born!!!!!!!!!!
    28-Oct-16 - Notified in immi about change in circumstances about newly born baby and uploaded all docs
    11-Nov-16- Received BC of our baby in NSO
    23-Nov-16 - CO Contact requesting for Baby Passport, PCC wife, Form 80, Medical
    25-Nov-16 - Received baby passport from DFA
    26 -Nov-16 - Uploaded all requested baby docs by CO, done medical in Nationwide
    02-Dec - 16 - Additional Chest Xray for me in Nationwide
    My medical- deferred by 2months
    05 -Dec-16 - CO added our baby in Immi and requested additional requirements for me -Character Statutory declaration for Saudi PCC
    16 -Dec-16 - Baby's medical in St Lukes BGC
    Jan 3-4 - 17- Sputum Test At St Lukes
    Feb 14-17 - CO requested for Translation of Saudi Exit Visa
    Feb 20-17 - Uploaded Translation of Exit Visa
    March 14-17-Sputum Test Culture Negative Results
    March 30-17 - Required to undergo CT Scan requested by BUPA , results - negative
    April 21-17 - GRANT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks God ang haba ng timeline nmin..

  • SAP_MelakaSAP_Melaka Shanghai
    Posts: 542Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2016
    @rich88 after October 2013, so I put in EOI Nov. 2013. Pero 2 companies kasi yung saken:

    In EOI (for skilled employment)
    Company A: Nov. 1, 2013 to Jan. 9 2015
    Company B: Mar. 16, 2015 until "To-Date"

    Tama ba computation ko? Or kelan ako madagdagan ng 5 points? Thank you so much!

    ANZSCO Code 261111 (ICT Business Analyst)

    19.05.2016 - Completed ACS requirements
    25.05.2016 - Submitted documents for ACS assessment
    06.06.2016 - Positive Assessment. AQF Bachelor Degree (2 yrs. deduction)
    25.08.2016 - PTE (AUG Malaysia)
    05.09.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 78/81/73/79
    06.10.2016 - PTE Retake (AUG Malaysia)
    11.10.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 88/85/87/90 Finally!
    11.10.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190 (65/70)
    03.01.2017 - Updated points due to skilled employment of 3yrs. 189/190 (70/75)
    03.01.2017 - ITA received! Thank you Lord! (189)
    04.01.2017 - ITA received (190 - Victoria)
    21.01.2017 - Medical @ LifeCare Kuala Lumpur
    23.01.2017 - Health clearance provided – no action required
    14.02.2017 - VISA Lodged!
    09.03.2017 - Direct Grant! Thank you Lord

    13.10.2017 - Initial entry (Melbourne)
    15.04.2018 - Big Move!

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20 ,@mehawk28 yes po..really helpful advise. We made another EOI to catch the soonest invitation :) God willing, we will all get our invitation in perfect time! Cheers!

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20 ..thanks bro! Youre right! I overlooked it...

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • chehrdchehrd PH
    Posts: 254Member
    Joined: Jul 22, 2016
    @dorbsdee ..nabuhay ang dugo ko sa tracker mo bro..sana nga may-result na sa EA para makasali sa nov batch

    ANZSCO: 233914 (Engineering Technologist) || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 15 pts || Work Exp: 15pts || English: 10 pts || TOTAL: 70 pts

    Aug 1, 2016 - started reviewing for IELTS and gathering of documets for EA
    Sept 24, 2016 - took IELTS
    Sept 26, 2016 - started making CDR
    Oct 7, 2016 - IELTS Result (L7 R7.5 S7 W6.5)
    Nov 2, 2016 - Lodged EA Assessment (Prof Engr)
    Nov 9, 2016 - NBI CLearance
    Nov 30, 2016 - Received EA Outcome (Engineering Technologist, Bachelor Degree, 8+yrs related experience)
    Dec 13, 2016 - PTE-A (L56 R77 S74 W57)
    Dec 15, 2016 - submitted EOI 189/190 (60/65)
    Jan 2, 2017 - PTE-A (L75 R71 S72 W81) ; updated EOI (189-70pts) Thank you Lord!
    Jan 3, 2017 - ITA Received
    Jan 5, 2017 - Medical
    Jan 17, 2017 - VISA 189 Lodged
    Feb 8, 2017 - CO Contacted (CO couldn't read TOR & Diploma, asked for re-scanned copies)
    - uploaded the said docs on the same day
    Feb 22, 2017 - GRANT!!! Thank you Lord!!!
    May 2017 - BIG MOVE

    "Life is what you make it".

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011

    @rich88 after October 2013, so I put in EOI Nov. 2013. Pero 2 companies kasi yung saken:

    In EOI (for skilled employment)
    Company A: Nov. 1, 2013 to Jan. 9 2015
    Company B: Mar. 16, 2015 until "To-Date"

    Tama ba computation ko? Or kelan ako madagdagan ng 5 points? Thank you so much!

    @SAP_Melaka may gap pala employment mo between Jan. 9 to Mar. 16, 2015 so around January 2017 mo pa makukuha additional points.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • SAP_MelakaSAP_Melaka Shanghai
    Posts: 542Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2016
    @engineer20 How the computation works? Cause I just computed the number of months and 36months would fall this November. Please enlighten me on the computation. Thank you.

    ANZSCO Code 261111 (ICT Business Analyst)

    19.05.2016 - Completed ACS requirements
    25.05.2016 - Submitted documents for ACS assessment
    06.06.2016 - Positive Assessment. AQF Bachelor Degree (2 yrs. deduction)
    25.08.2016 - PTE (AUG Malaysia)
    05.09.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 78/81/73/79
    06.10.2016 - PTE Retake (AUG Malaysia)
    11.10.2016 - PTE Result L/R/S/W - 88/85/87/90 Finally!
    11.10.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190 (65/70)
    03.01.2017 - Updated points due to skilled employment of 3yrs. 189/190 (70/75)
    03.01.2017 - ITA received! Thank you Lord! (189)
    04.01.2017 - ITA received (190 - Victoria)
    21.01.2017 - Medical @ LifeCare Kuala Lumpur
    23.01.2017 - Health clearance provided – no action required
    14.02.2017 - VISA Lodged!
    09.03.2017 - Direct Grant! Thank you Lord

    13.10.2017 - Initial entry (Melbourne)
    15.04.2018 - Big Move!

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