most recent by redartt
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by missyeur
most recent by pengalreadyexists
most recent by Ozdrims
General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
most recent by fmp_921
SG-based Members; drop by here! (",)
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most recent by AUSSIE1779
most recent by eiramax
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 12Member
Joined: Jun 20, 2016
ANZSCO 261313 (Software Engineer)
April 30, 2016: IELTS Exam @ BC Manila
May 13, 2016: IELTS Result (L:8.0, R:8.0, W:7.0, S:7.0)
June 08, 2016: ACS Submission
June 20, 2016: ACS Result (AQF Advanced Diploma)
July 20, 2016: ACS Review Submission
July 25, 2016: ACS Result (AQF Bachelor)
Aug 01, 2016: EOI Submitted (65 points claimed)
Sept 01, 2016: ITA Received
Sept 20, 2016: Visa Lodged (Medical, Docs front loaded)
Oct 05, 2016: Direct Grant! (Thank you Lord! Jer 29:11)
Posts: 499Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2015
Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts
28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience)
12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
01.11.16 Lodged
30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
11.01.17 DG
16.04.17 Big move
Posts: 42Member
Joined: Aug 24, 2016
Posts: 42Member
Joined: Aug 24, 2016
1. @mojacko | 189 | 11-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office l 19-Sep-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @rj22 | 189 | 22-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office l 04-Oct-16| Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
3. @zano | 189 | 20-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office | 05-Oct-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
4. @dewni | 189 | 29-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office | 10-Oct-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
5. @ronyan | 189 | 12 -Sept -16 | 20 - Sept - 16 / Medicals | GSM Adelaide l 27 - Oct - 16| Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
6. | 189 | 15-Sep-16 | 18-Oct-16 / Form 815 | GSM Office l 9-Nov-16 | Target State/City | April 2017
7. @Mika189Goals | 189 | 4-Sep-16 | 20-Sep-16 / Form 80, Medical, PTE-A | GSM Brisbane | 9-Nov-16 | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
8. @candace | 190 | 14-Sep-16 | 19-Sep-16/SG COC, Medical, NBI | GSM Office l 11-11-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
9. @ThePhisix | 189 | 26-Sept-16 | 10-Oct-2016 / Form 80, CTC Birth Cert and Passport Biodata Page | GSM Adelaidel 23-Nov-2016 | Melbourne | IED October 4, 2017
1. @StarJhan | 489 | 8-Sep-16 | 23-Sep-16/Additional CXR by 10 Dec 2016 | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | SA Adelaide | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @24luffy | 190 | 11-Sep-16 | 19-Sep-16/PCC Qatar, Latest Passport, SG Employment Docs | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
3. @mpatrice26 | 189 | 15-Sep-16 | 27-Sep-16/Police clearance, Health assessment, Payslip for 2016, Taxation, Form 815 | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | Brisbane | Initial Entry Month/Year
4. @louietheresa |189| 21-Sep-16 | 13-Oct-2016 / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
5. @rinoa | 189 | 24-Sep-16 | 06-Oct-16/SG COC, Health assessment | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
6. @jennettegi | 190 | 3-Sep-16 | 14-Sep-16/SG COC, Medical, Form80 | GSM Adelaide Date Granted | Target State/City Qeensland| Initial Entry Month/Year
7. @nadolrac | 489 | 14-Sep-16 | 30-Sep-16 | 26-Oct-2016 / Evidence of Dependant Relative Relationship (Form 47A or Form 1023 for notification of incorrect answers) | GSM Brisbane l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
8. @aug88 | 189 | 1-Sep-16 | 29-Sep-2016 | 20-Oct-2016 / Form 80, Medical | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
9. @Gabrielle28 | 189 | 17-Sep-2016 | 26-Sep-2016 / ?? | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
10. @Lelet | 189 | 20-Sep-2016 | 12-Oct-2016 /medical, NBI, SG COC, De-Facto proof of relationship | 11-Nov-2016 | Statement of relationship | GSM Brisbane l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
Posts: 58Member
Joined: Dec 12, 2015
ANZSCO 233411: Electronics Engineer
Aug, 2015 - IELTS GT L6.5 W6.5 R6.5 S6.5
Mar, 2016 - Submitted EA Assessment fast track
Apr, 2016 - EA Positive Assessment Result
Aug, 2016 - IELTS GT L7 W7 R7 S7
Sep, 2016 - Lodge EOI, 189-65
Sep, 2016 - ITA Received
Oct, 7, 2016 - Visa Application Lodged
Oct, 18, 2016 - CO Contact, request for PCC and Medical
Nov, 8, 2016 - Uploaded required documents
Nov, 15 2016 - VISA Grant (the culmination of all the hard work and sacrifices... Thank you Lord....)
Posts: 507Member
Joined: May 04, 2015
221111 Accountant (General)
31 Mar 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L8.5/R7.5/W6.5/S7.0)
18 Apr 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L7.5/R8.5/W7.0/S7.0)
31 May 2016 - CPAA assessment application.
02 Jul 2016 - CPAA positive assessment result.
02 Jul 2016 - EOI submitted - 189/190 (65pts/70pts)
29 Jul 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L84/R77/W79/S72)
13 Sep 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L90/R81/W90/S85)
13 Sep 2016 - EOI updated - 189 (75pts)
14 Sep 2016 - ITA Received.
23 Oct 2016 - Visa 189 Lodged.
31 Oct 2016 - Direct Grant. (Thank you Lord!)
Posts: 42Member
Joined: Aug 24, 2016
Posts: 627Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2014
Congratulations Sis! @Rinoa God is Great!
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
1. @mojacko | 189 | 11-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office l 19-Sep-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @rj22 | 189 | 22-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office l 04-Oct-16| Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
3. @zano | 189 | 20-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office | 05-Oct-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
4. @dewni | 189 | 29-Sep-16 | Direct Grant | GSM Office | 10-Oct-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
5. @ronyan | 189 | 12 -Sept -16 | 20 - Sept - 16 / Medicals | GSM Adelaide l 27 - Oct - 16| Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
6. | 189 | 15-Sep-16 | 18-Oct-16 / Form 815 | GSM Office l 9-Nov-16 | Target State/City | April 2017
7. @Mika189Goals | 189 | 4-Sep-16 | 20-Sep-16 / Form 80, Medical, PTE-A | GSM Brisbane | 9-Nov-16 | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
8. @candace | 190 | 14-Sep-16 | 19-Sep-16/SG COC, Medical, NBI | GSM Office l 11-11-16 | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
9. @ThePhisix | 189 | 26-Sept-16 | 10-Oct-2016 / Form 80, CTC Birth Cert and Passport Biodata Page | GSM Adelaidel 23-Nov-2016 | Melbourne | IED October 4, 2017
10. @rinoa | 189 | 24-Sep-16 | 06-Oct-16/SG COC, Health assessment | GSM Office l 24-11-16 | Melbourne | Aug 2017
1. @StarJhan | 489 | 8-Sep-16 | 23-Sep-16/Additional CXR by 10 Dec 2016 | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | SA Adelaide | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @24luffy | 190 | 11-Sep-16 | 19-Sep-16/PCC Qatar, Latest Passport, SG Employment Docs | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
3. @mpatrice26 | 189 | 15-Sep-16 | 27-Sep-16/Police clearance, Health assessment, Payslip for 2016, Taxation, Form 815 | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | Brisbane | Initial Entry Month/Year
4. @louietheresa |189| 21-Sep-16 | 13-Oct-2016 / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
5. @jennettegi | 190 | 3-Sep-16 | 14-Sep-16/SG COC, Medical, Form80 | GSM Adelaide Date Granted | Target State/City Qeensland| Initial Entry Month/Year
6. @nadolrac | 489 | 14-Sep-16 | 30-Sep-16 | 26-Oct-2016 / Evidence of Dependant Relative Relationship (Form 47A or Form 1023 for notification of incorrect answers) | GSM Brisbane l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
7. @aug88 | 189 | 1-Sep-16 | 29-Sep-2016 | 20-Oct-2016 / Form 80, Medical | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
8. @Gabrielle28 | 189 | 17-Sep-2016 | 26-Sep-2016 / ?? | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
9. @Lelet | 189 | 20-Sep-2016 | 12-Oct-2016 /medical, NBI, SG COC, De-Facto proof of relationship | 11-Nov-2016 | Statement of relationship | GSM Brisbane l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
Joined: May 25, 2016
ICT Support Engineer (As Dependent)
ANZSCO: 263212 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 10 pts || Work Exp: 5 pts || English: __pts || TOTAL: __pts
**Analyst Programmer (Partner - main applicant)
ANZSCO: 261311 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 15 pts || Work Exp: 10 pts || English: 10 pts || TOTAL: 65 pts
05.23.2016: Started researching about the process
05.25.2016: Joined Pinoy AU forum and contacted colleagues who are already in AU for further assistance
05.30.2016: Registered via online for a Debit Visa account in – Unionbank
06.21.2016: Scanned all notarized documents
06.25.2016: Uploaded all documents in ACS Site
06.30.2016: Paid the ACS Fee and submitted it.
07.11.2016: Received an email from ACS. Not qualified for Software Engineer (261313), recommended to use ICT Support Engineer (263212) instead
07.21.2016: Paid the additional 200 AUD for the suggested ANZSCO 263212 (ICT Support Engineer)
07.22.2016: Received the ACS Result - AQF Diploma, Major in Computing - 5yrs deducted / 3 yrs up to Present for the work experience)
07.26.2016: Start of PTE test review
07.29.2016: Partner's ACS Result - AQF Bachelor Degree (4yrs deducted / 5yrs up to Present for the work experience)
08.30.2016: Took PTE exam / Processed NBI Clearance (with Hit)
09.03.2016: Partner got positive PTE Result (L=79/R=85/S=72/W=90)
09.05.2016: Lodged EOI (189)
09.08.2016: Got our NBI Clearance...finally...
09.15.2016: Received CEMI request
09.28.2016: Partner got his ITA!!! (12:20am AU)
10.10.2016: Completed Medical Exam - no action required
11.22.2016: Visa lodged (frontloaded all docs)
11.30.2016: CO asked for Payslip & ITR for 2011-2013
12.16.2016: Uploaded the payslips & ITRs for 2011-2013
02.03.2017: Golden email received!!! Thank you Lord!!
03.24.2017: Attended the Pre-Departure Seminar (CFO Office)
06.17.2017: Initial entry in Sydney last June 17-21, 2017
01.14.2018: Hubby's big move to Sydney (Job hunting in progress)
02.25.2018: Wifey's big move to Sydney
05.29.2018: Wifey's 1st day at work (Barangaroo area)
07.17.2018: Wifey's last day of contract work
10.13.2018: Moved from Sydney to Canberra
10.15.2018: Hubby's 1st day at work (Greenway area)
12.21.2018: Wifey got accepted to a 5 month contract work
01.21.2019: Wifey's 1st day at work (Turner area)
06.30.2019: Wifey got a permanent role offer
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." - A Cinderella Story
Posts: 136Member
Joined: May 26, 2016
Telecommunications Network Engineer - 263312
100815 - IELTS L6.5|R7.5|W6.0|S6.5
012216 - Submitted Docs to EA via Migration Agent
031916 - IELTS L7|R8|W6.5|S7
050616 - Received letter from EA requesting for Additional Information
052116 - IELTS L6.5|R6.5|W6.0|S6.5
060716 - Submitted additional information (ITR, SSS, Pagibig)
061516 - Received EA result (positive) 55 points
081716 - PTE A Exam L74|R70|S90|W69
082116 - EOI Submitted
091316 - ITA Received
092116 - Visa Lodged
101316 - Contacted by CO
102116 - Medical at SLEC BGC
102316 - MA submitted additional docs form 80, medical receipt, NBI Clearance and COEs
102616 - SLEC BGC Submitted medical results
121416 - Visa Grant...salamat Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St family friends....
020517 - Big move...Thank you for the blessings...Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St Lucy
Posts: 627Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2014
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 627Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2014
Posts: 136Member
Joined: May 26, 2016
Telecommunications Network Engineer - 263312
100815 - IELTS L6.5|R7.5|W6.0|S6.5
012216 - Submitted Docs to EA via Migration Agent
031916 - IELTS L7|R8|W6.5|S7
050616 - Received letter from EA requesting for Additional Information
052116 - IELTS L6.5|R6.5|W6.0|S6.5
060716 - Submitted additional information (ITR, SSS, Pagibig)
061516 - Received EA result (positive) 55 points
081716 - PTE A Exam L74|R70|S90|W69
082116 - EOI Submitted
091316 - ITA Received
092116 - Visa Lodged
101316 - Contacted by CO
102116 - Medical at SLEC BGC
102316 - MA submitted additional docs form 80, medical receipt, NBI Clearance and COEs
102616 - SLEC BGC Submitted medical results
121416 - Visa Grant...salamat Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St family friends....
020517 - Big move...Thank you for the blessings...Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St Lucy
Posts: 136Member
Joined: May 26, 2016
Telecommunications Network Engineer - 263312
100815 - IELTS L6.5|R7.5|W6.0|S6.5
012216 - Submitted Docs to EA via Migration Agent
031916 - IELTS L7|R8|W6.5|S7
050616 - Received letter from EA requesting for Additional Information
052116 - IELTS L6.5|R6.5|W6.0|S6.5
060716 - Submitted additional information (ITR, SSS, Pagibig)
061516 - Received EA result (positive) 55 points
081716 - PTE A Exam L74|R70|S90|W69
082116 - EOI Submitted
091316 - ITA Received
092116 - Visa Lodged
101316 - Contacted by CO
102116 - Medical at SLEC BGC
102316 - MA submitted additional docs form 80, medical receipt, NBI Clearance and COEs
102616 - SLEC BGC Submitted medical results
121416 - Visa Grant...salamat Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St family friends....
020517 - Big move...Thank you for the blessings...Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St Lucy
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
@louietheresa hindi ko sure.. depende sa CO if gusto nya tawagan lahat or iba lang.
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 136Member
Joined: May 26, 2016
Telecommunications Network Engineer - 263312
100815 - IELTS L6.5|R7.5|W6.0|S6.5
012216 - Submitted Docs to EA via Migration Agent
031916 - IELTS L7|R8|W6.5|S7
050616 - Received letter from EA requesting for Additional Information
052116 - IELTS L6.5|R6.5|W6.0|S6.5
060716 - Submitted additional information (ITR, SSS, Pagibig)
061516 - Received EA result (positive) 55 points
081716 - PTE A Exam L74|R70|S90|W69
082116 - EOI Submitted
091316 - ITA Received
092116 - Visa Lodged
101316 - Contacted by CO
102116 - Medical at SLEC BGC
102316 - MA submitted additional docs form 80, medical receipt, NBI Clearance and COEs
102616 - SLEC BGC Submitted medical results
121416 - Visa Grant...salamat Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St family friends....
020517 - Big move...Thank you for the blessings...Padre Pio / Sacred Heart / St Clare / St Lucy
Joined: May 25, 2016
26 December 2016 Boxing Day All States All offices in Australia closed
27 December 2016 Christmas Day (Substitute) All States All offices in Australia closed
28 December 2016 Additional (APS) Holiday All States All offices in Australia closed
ICT Support Engineer (As Dependent)
ANZSCO: 263212 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 10 pts || Work Exp: 5 pts || English: __pts || TOTAL: __pts
**Analyst Programmer (Partner - main applicant)
ANZSCO: 261311 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 15 pts || Work Exp: 10 pts || English: 10 pts || TOTAL: 65 pts
05.23.2016: Started researching about the process
05.25.2016: Joined Pinoy AU forum and contacted colleagues who are already in AU for further assistance
05.30.2016: Registered via online for a Debit Visa account in – Unionbank
06.21.2016: Scanned all notarized documents
06.25.2016: Uploaded all documents in ACS Site
06.30.2016: Paid the ACS Fee and submitted it.
07.11.2016: Received an email from ACS. Not qualified for Software Engineer (261313), recommended to use ICT Support Engineer (263212) instead
07.21.2016: Paid the additional 200 AUD for the suggested ANZSCO 263212 (ICT Support Engineer)
07.22.2016: Received the ACS Result - AQF Diploma, Major in Computing - 5yrs deducted / 3 yrs up to Present for the work experience)
07.26.2016: Start of PTE test review
07.29.2016: Partner's ACS Result - AQF Bachelor Degree (4yrs deducted / 5yrs up to Present for the work experience)
08.30.2016: Took PTE exam / Processed NBI Clearance (with Hit)
09.03.2016: Partner got positive PTE Result (L=79/R=85/S=72/W=90)
09.05.2016: Lodged EOI (189)
09.08.2016: Got our NBI Clearance...finally...
09.15.2016: Received CEMI request
09.28.2016: Partner got his ITA!!! (12:20am AU)
10.10.2016: Completed Medical Exam - no action required
11.22.2016: Visa lodged (frontloaded all docs)
11.30.2016: CO asked for Payslip & ITR for 2011-2013
12.16.2016: Uploaded the payslips & ITRs for 2011-2013
02.03.2017: Golden email received!!! Thank you Lord!!
03.24.2017: Attended the Pre-Departure Seminar (CFO Office)
06.17.2017: Initial entry in Sydney last June 17-21, 2017
01.14.2018: Hubby's big move to Sydney (Job hunting in progress)
02.25.2018: Wifey's big move to Sydney
05.29.2018: Wifey's 1st day at work (Barangaroo area)
07.17.2018: Wifey's last day of contract work
10.13.2018: Moved from Sydney to Canberra
10.15.2018: Hubby's 1st day at work (Greenway area)
12.21.2018: Wifey got accepted to a 5 month contract work
01.21.2019: Wifey's 1st day at work (Turner area)
06.30.2019: Wifey got a permanent role offer
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." - A Cinderella Story
Posts: 627Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2014
Joined: Aug 08, 2016
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
Ako tinawagan ko HR and managers ng lahat ng pinagtrabahuan ko para i-inform sila na baka may tumawag from immigration.
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 121Member
Joined: Nov 14, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer
21Sep13 - IELTS (Overall 6.5).. Hybernate (Mañana Habit)
09Sep15 - Skills Assessment Application- ACS
10Sep15 - Advise to send Additional Documentation (Vendor Certification)
18Sep15 - ACS Skills Assessment Completed
19Sep15 - Create SkillSelect Account (Draft)
19May16 - Take PTE Exam - 70+ All
27May16 - Submitted EOI (65 Points)
06Jul16 - Received ITA for Subclass 189
03Sep16 - Lodge Visa
13Sep16 - CO contact to attached additional docs e.g. Form 80
26Sep16 - Medical at Point Paragon
06Oct16 - Uploaded additional documents
10Nov16 - Visa Grant (Thank You Lord!)
Aug 2017 - Big Move
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 121Member
Joined: Nov 14, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer
21Sep13 - IELTS (Overall 6.5).. Hybernate (Mañana Habit)
09Sep15 - Skills Assessment Application- ACS
10Sep15 - Advise to send Additional Documentation (Vendor Certification)
18Sep15 - ACS Skills Assessment Completed
19Sep15 - Create SkillSelect Account (Draft)
19May16 - Take PTE Exam - 70+ All
27May16 - Submitted EOI (65 Points)
06Jul16 - Received ITA for Subclass 189
03Sep16 - Lodge Visa
13Sep16 - CO contact to attached additional docs e.g. Form 80
26Sep16 - Medical at Point Paragon
06Oct16 - Uploaded additional documents
10Nov16 - Visa Grant (Thank You Lord!)
Aug 2017 - Big Move
Joined: Aug 08, 2016
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 44Member
Joined: Aug 17, 2014
05-31-2016 - Received ACS result
07-15-2016 - Received IELTS result
07-21-2016 - Submit EOI
08-03-2016 - Received ITA
09-24-2016 - Lodge Visa 189
10-05-2016 - CO Contacted requesting for SG COC, PH NBI and Medical
10-08-2016 - Medical at Point Medical Group
10-13-2016 - Upload additional documents
11-24-2016 - VISA Granted Thank God
Posts: 1,022Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
01-Apr-16 - PTE-A Exam Result
08-Jul-16 - ACS Result + EOI submission (65 @ 189, 70 @ 190)
29-July-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW SS
10-Aug-16 - ITA received
25-Aug-16 - Lodged Visa 190 (all applicable documents uploaded)
20-Sep-16 - Visa Grant (Thank you Lord...)
IED: March 2017
Posts: 507Member
Joined: May 04, 2015
221111 Accountant (General)
31 Mar 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L8.5/R7.5/W6.5/S7.0)
18 Apr 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L7.5/R8.5/W7.0/S7.0)
31 May 2016 - CPAA assessment application.
02 Jul 2016 - CPAA positive assessment result.
02 Jul 2016 - EOI submitted - 189/190 (65pts/70pts)
29 Jul 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L84/R77/W79/S72)
13 Sep 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L90/R81/W90/S85)
13 Sep 2016 - EOI updated - 189 (75pts)
14 Sep 2016 - ITA Received.
23 Oct 2016 - Visa 189 Lodged.
31 Oct 2016 - Direct Grant. (Thank you Lord!)