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Business Owners who employ staff under 457,186 or 187 visas - Western Australia

cshaynecshayne PhilippinesPosts: 4Member

If you are a business owner that employs staff members under 457, 186 or 187 visas, we can help you meet and maintain your training benchmarks.

What are the training benchmarks?

Who needs to meet training benchmarks under the Subclass 457 program?

Training benchmarks must be met by all businesses that have been trading in Australia for over 12 months, who apply for approval as sponsors under the Subclass 457 program.

Should you wish for further discussion or a callback, kindly leave your phone number and email address. Thank you.


  • MBS_____MBS_____ Philippines
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Feb 21, 2017
    What is the training benchmark?

    The Australian Government is encouraging all employers to invest in training for Australian workers. Whilst immigration plays a role in addressing short term skill and labour shortages, the government is committed to training Australians to address longer term skill and labour shortages. The current training benchmark requirements ask employers to demonstrate they are investing in training for Australian employees before they are permitted to sponsor overseas workers.

    2. How can my organisation meet the requirements?

    Employers must continue to meet the prescribed training benchmarks for the programme in any year in which they employ a subclass 457 visa holder for any portion of the year and must maintain records of training expenditure. Organisations have two options for meeting the interim training benchmarks requirements. Organisations only need to choose one of the following:

    Training Benchmark A:

    Recent expenditure by the business, to the equivalent of, at least 2% of payroll of the business, in payments allocated to an industry training fund that operates in the same industry as the business


    Training Benchmark B:

    Recent expenditure by the business, to the equivalent of, at least 1% of payroll of the business, in the provision of training to employees of the business, who are Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents
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