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Tuition Refund and Insurance refund

kc_ozkc_oz PhilippinesPosts: 29Member
Goodmorning mga ka pinoyau! Tatanong ko lang po sana to those who were refused and di na nagtry ulit kung ilang working days nyo nareceived yung refund from school and insurance? Mag 60 working days na po kasi ako nagwawait for the refund from the day na nagfile ng refund form. Thank you.

Student Visa subclass 572 non-svp

April 6- Visa application lodge by Firstec
April 29- Received acknowledgement and advised to undergo medical
May 10- Medical at St luke's manila
May 12- Medical results forwarded to embassy
July 18- Request for additional Requirements (SSS & BIR)
July 29- Submitted additional documents

Waiting for visa grant.


  • edmon20edmon20 Pasay
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Mar 08, 2017
    Newbie here po. Refused din po visa ko, Pwede po yun marefund from school and insurance?
  • aishee5aishee5 Victoria
    Posts: 204Member
    Joined: Nov 16, 2016
    hi po. ung sa school ko mga after 3 weeks yata ang refund and from the health insurance 1 month na pero hindi pa na refund til now.
  • mezzhamezzha Sydney
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Mar 06, 2014
    Hi guys, let school & insurance know anong process para makuha refund ninyo. get in touch with them it might be just a case of refund forms na pirmahan nyo and submit sa kanila. good luck!
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