How long did it take you to get a job?
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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
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Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 66Member
Joined: Oct 05, 2016
Joined: Jan 24, 2017
Posts: 66Member
Joined: Oct 05, 2016
Posts: 188Member
Joined: Apr 03, 2013
263111 Computer and Network Systems Engineer
Hubby's Signature
31.07.14 decided to do my migration eligibility assessment
23.09.14 started to gather and collate ACS requirements
18.04.15 IELTS (L-7.5; R-8.5; W-6.5; S-6.5; Overall: 7.5)
08.07.15 submitted ACS requirements
30.07.15 Positive result from ACS
20.08.15 PTE (L-73; R-68; W-73; S-47; Overall: 66)
04.09.15 PTE (L-71; R-79; W-88; S-45; Overall: 69)
22.09.15 EOI 190 (55points+5points SS) HOPIA!!!
09.02.16 PTE (L-75; R-73; W-85; S-61; Overall: 72)
01.03.16 PTE (L-79; R-78; W-90; S-60; Overall: 75)
21.03.16 PTE (L-79; R-77; W-87; S-62; Overall: 75)
04.04.16 PTE (L-81; R-74; W-79; S-64; Overall: 75)
~~decided to take Master's degree
28.04.16 Uni Admission Form filled
03.05.16 PTE (L-79; R-70; W-80; S-58; Overall: 74)
01.07.16 Completed and paid Uni fees
07.07.16 SC500 Visa Lodgement
08.07.16 Medical
23.08.16 Application Deferred
14.09.16 SC500 Visa Grant
14.11.16 Intake
04.01.17 PTE (L-81; R-80; W-89; S-66; Overall: 78) YES!!!!
10.01.17 EOI 189 (65points)
01.03.17 ITA Received 189
02.03.17 Visa Lodged
08.03.17 BUPA Medical Exam (X-Ray & PE Cleared)
17.03.17 Visa Grant (GSM Adelaide)
Posts: 70Member
Joined: Aug 14, 2014
Dec 05, 2016 - Booked PTE-A exam
Dec 14, 2016 - Completed all necessary ACS documents.
Dec 15, 2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
Dec 22, 2016 - ACS Result AQF Diploma with a major in computing.
Dec 28, 2016 - LRSW 72/64/87/67
Mar 10, 2017 - LRSW 61/70/81/63
Apr 18, 2017 - LRSW 67/80/83/69 Pass! Proficient
Apr 22, 2017 - Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
Oct 12, 2017 - LRSW 64/71/88/61
Oct 16, 2017 - Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
Oct 24, 2017 - LRSW 64/78/71/72
Oct 25, 2017 - Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
Posts: 263Member
Joined: Jul 26, 2016
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
@levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018
233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
(EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)
06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)
Posts: 263Member
Joined: Jul 26, 2016
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
@levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018
233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
(EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)
06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)
Posts: 182Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2017
Posts: 62Member
Joined: Dec 19, 2016
My visa journey
12/03/2016: Took IELTS exam
12/16/2016: Got result. L:7 | R:7 | W:7 | S:8
12/26/2016: Started collating the documents needed for ACS assessment
01/19/2017: Submitted the education and skills documents for assessment.
02/08/2017: Received positive ACS results.
02/14/2017: Requested ACS to review the employment dates because I was 1 month shy of 8 years to claim 15 points.
02/27/2017: Received positive result from the ACS appeal.
02/27/2017: Lodged EOI
03/27/2017: Received Invitation
05/07/2017: Lodged Visa Application
06/26/2017: First CO Contact: Requested for Form 80, US State Police Clearance, Marriage Certificate, Functional English for Wifey
08/14/2017: Second CO Contact. Requested for Form 1022, Birth Certificate and Passport of the expected new baby which due by 3rd Week of October.
01/22/2018: Third CO Contact. Requested to Medical for the newborn baby.
03/01/2018: Grant
11/18/2018: IED
XX/XX/XXXX: BM (Ipon ipon muna)
Posts: 97Member
Joined: Nov 21, 2016
Electronics Engineer
11/17/16 - IELTS S
11/19/16 - IELTS LRW
12/02/16 - OBS 7.5 (W8 R8.5 S6.5 W6) aw
01/09/17 - EA Submission
02/11/17 - positive EA Result.
02/14/17 - EOI 189 Submission. 60 pts
03/04/17 - PTE-A Exam
03/05/17 - PTE-A Result
03/06/17 - Updated EOI 189. 80 pts.
03/15/17 - ITA received.
03/31/17 - Medical BGC
04/21/17 - Visa Lodged
05/03/17 - Bridging Visa for dependent currently Australian Visitor
06/06/17 - 1st CO Contact
07/05/17 - Uploaded requested document
08/01/17 - 2nd CO Contact, same day upload of requested document
//17 - Visa Grant
//17 - BM
Posts: 470Member
Joined: Jun 29, 2016
1. @RPhwithOZdream | 189 | 3 March 2017 | nil / nil | GSM Adelaide | 17 March 2017 | NSW | OnShore
2. @alexisryan | 189 | 11 March 2017 | nil / nil | GSM Adelaide | 20 March 2017 | NSW | OffShore
3. @romaroms | 190 | 19 March 2017 | nil / nil | GSM Adelaide | 29 March 2017 | VIC | OffShore
4. @zilch | 189 | 15 March 2017 | nil / nil | GSM Brisbane | 24 March 2017 | NSW | OffShore
***CO Contact***
1. @MikeYanbu |189| 19 Jan 2017 | 6 Feb 2017 / Form 80, Saudi and Qatar PCC, evidence of defacto rel| Sophie - GSM Adelaide l2nd CO contact-03Apr2017 l requested legal documents l Date Granted | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @baknir | 189| 7 Jan 2017| 31 Jan 2017 / form 80, evidence of employment, police clearance, wife proof of functional english | GSM Adelaide l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
1. @BeroMoves | 189 | 7 Jan 2017 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
2. @rosch | 189 | 28 February 2017 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office | Date Granted | Victoria | Melbourne | Initial Entry Month/Year
3. @lucky4 | 189 | 2 March 2017 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office | Date Granted | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
5. @mistervirata | 190 | 22 March 2017 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | NSW | Initial Entry Month/Year
Username | Visa type | Points | EOI Lodge Date | ITA Date Received | Occupation
1. @Heprex |189/190 | 60/65 | 21 December 2016 | ITA Date Received | 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer)
2. @DrAgKurt |189/190 | 60/65 | 23 December 2016 | ITA Date Received | 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer)
3. @ma1414 |189/190 | 75/80 | 02 March 2017 | ITA Date Received | 221111 (General Accountant)
4. @MissM | 189/190 | 65/70 | 09 March 2017 | ITA Date Received | 261311 (Analyst Programmer)
Age 33-39- 25points
English - 10points
Bachelor's Degree- 15points
Work Experience- 15pts
Total- 65pts
Oct 2015 - IELTS GT Philippines L7.5 W7.0 R7.5 S7.0
October 20, 2016 - EA Assessment - positive bachelors degree
November 23, 2016 - Subclass 189 Invitation
January 19, 2017 - lodge visa
July 13, 2017 - Grant
December 6, 2017 - IED Sydney, one week
February 27, 2018 - Big Move Melbourne
March 13-Apr 10, 2018 - first job factory hand, cassual
May 17, 2018 - 30Jun18 - Asphalt Laboratory
July 2, 2018 - present British Petroleum-CASTROL
Posts: 208Member
Joined: Sep 10, 2016
221111 Gen. Accountant
04/13/17 - CPAA Positive Assessment
08/2016 - 11/2017 - PTE Journey
11/29/17 - EOI 189 - 75 pts.
01/09/18 - EOI 190 NSW
02/02/18 - NSW Pre-invite
02/09/18 - Submitted NSW application
03/22/18 - ITA/NSW Approval
04/06/18 - Lodge Visa 190
07/11/18 - Direct Grant (worth the wait!)
Posts: 56Member
Joined: Jan 22, 2017
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser (215312)
Skilled Independent 190 (NSW)
04-Jun-2016 - Took IELTS exam (General)
16-Jun-2016 - Results L-9, R-7, W-7, S-7
24-Jun-2016 - Contacted and engaged MARA agent (di ko pa kasi na-discover ang noon, sayang!); gathering of documents
24-Oct-2016 - Lodged VETASSESS application
28-Nov-2016 - Request for evidence of qualification, training certificates and accreditation
14-Dec-2016 - Submitted required documents
16-Dec-2016 - Assessment result received
24-Dec-2016 - EOI lodged
16-Jan-2017 - ITA received from NSW
18-Jan-2017 - Lodged SC 190 application
03-Feb-2017 - ITA received from DIBP
10-Mar-2017 - Lodge visa application
23-Mar-2017 - 1st CO contact (medical, police clearance, Form 1221, additional supporting evidence of employment)
18-Apr-2017 - Submitted required documents
31-May-2017 - 2nd CO contact (employment details of job taken up more than 10 years ago, justification for unemployment, passport details for international travels, details of referees to be added in the CV
01-Jun-2017 - Submitted required documents
04-Sept-2017 - Visa grant received (Praise God!!!)
Last date of entry - 24-Feb-2018 (I think based on NBI clearance issuance date)
Posts: 470Member
Joined: Jun 29, 2016
i hope i can upload it tomorrow if ma send ni misis tonight para waiting game na naman ulit,
as observed it takes 28 working days, excluding weekend bago sila mag follow for their requested document, so baka abutin pa ako neto ng May, hehe,
anyway d naman ako nagmamadali i have until end of the uear dito sa company ko ngayon.
best of luck to all... in due time makakmit din natin eto...
just keep on pushing....
Age 33-39- 25points
English - 10points
Bachelor's Degree- 15points
Work Experience- 15pts
Total- 65pts
Oct 2015 - IELTS GT Philippines L7.5 W7.0 R7.5 S7.0
October 20, 2016 - EA Assessment - positive bachelors degree
November 23, 2016 - Subclass 189 Invitation
January 19, 2017 - lodge visa
July 13, 2017 - Grant
December 6, 2017 - IED Sydney, one week
February 27, 2018 - Big Move Melbourne
March 13-Apr 10, 2018 - first job factory hand, cassual
May 17, 2018 - 30Jun18 - Asphalt Laboratory
July 2, 2018 - present British Petroleum-CASTROL
Posts: 56Member
Joined: Jan 22, 2017
Oo nga, tagal ng waiting game. Hopefully, all will be well in the end. God bless us all.
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser (215312)
Skilled Independent 190 (NSW)
04-Jun-2016 - Took IELTS exam (General)
16-Jun-2016 - Results L-9, R-7, W-7, S-7
24-Jun-2016 - Contacted and engaged MARA agent (di ko pa kasi na-discover ang noon, sayang!); gathering of documents
24-Oct-2016 - Lodged VETASSESS application
28-Nov-2016 - Request for evidence of qualification, training certificates and accreditation
14-Dec-2016 - Submitted required documents
16-Dec-2016 - Assessment result received
24-Dec-2016 - EOI lodged
16-Jan-2017 - ITA received from NSW
18-Jan-2017 - Lodged SC 190 application
03-Feb-2017 - ITA received from DIBP
10-Mar-2017 - Lodge visa application
23-Mar-2017 - 1st CO contact (medical, police clearance, Form 1221, additional supporting evidence of employment)
18-Apr-2017 - Submitted required documents
31-May-2017 - 2nd CO contact (employment details of job taken up more than 10 years ago, justification for unemployment, passport details for international travels, details of referees to be added in the CV
01-Jun-2017 - Submitted required documents
04-Sept-2017 - Visa grant received (Praise God!!!)
Last date of entry - 24-Feb-2018 (I think based on NBI clearance issuance date)
Posts: 470Member
Joined: Jun 29, 2016
Age 33-39- 25points
English - 10points
Bachelor's Degree- 15points
Work Experience- 15pts
Total- 65pts
Oct 2015 - IELTS GT Philippines L7.5 W7.0 R7.5 S7.0
October 20, 2016 - EA Assessment - positive bachelors degree
November 23, 2016 - Subclass 189 Invitation
January 19, 2017 - lodge visa
July 13, 2017 - Grant
December 6, 2017 - IED Sydney, one week
February 27, 2018 - Big Move Melbourne
March 13-Apr 10, 2018 - first job factory hand, cassual
May 17, 2018 - 30Jun18 - Asphalt Laboratory
July 2, 2018 - present British Petroleum-CASTROL
Posts: 263Member
Joined: Jul 26, 2016
It depends on the date of her EOI submission/update and of course her decission. Anyways, I am looking forward for us to be in Australia. God bless!
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
@levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018
233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
(EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)
06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)
Posts: 386Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2015
342314: Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
Primary Applicant
16.08.2015 - Skills Assessment submitted to TRA

24.08.2015 - PTE-Acad L66/R76/S62/W69
21.10.2015 - TRA Skills Assessment Successful :-)
14.11.2015 - PTE-Acad L65/R90/S60/W79
14.12.2015 - PTE-Acad L59/R84/S69/W72
27.01.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R74/S66/W60
16.02.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R76/S68/W75
25.04.2016 - PTE-Acad L69/R83/S66/W84 :-) Thanks God!
27.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 189 60pts
28.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 190 65pts (NSW)
09.05.2016 - Arranged NBI Fingerprint
10.05.2016 - Received ITA for Visa189
11.05.2016 - Generate HAP ID/e-Medical Referrals ( immiaccount )
20.05.2016 - Received NBI Clearance
30.05.2016 - Health Clearance Provided for dependent 2x sons ( Nationwide Makati )
30.05.2016 - Referral for dependent wife ( Sputum Test @ St. Lukes )
01.06.2016 - Collected SG PCC
04.06.2016 - Health Clearance Provided ( Primary Applicant )
13.06.2016 - Lodged / Paid Visa. Wait for CO Allocation
06.07.2016 - 1st CO contact GSM Adelaide, requested Form80/Proof of Functional English/Spouse
22.07.2016 - Wife started PTB Treatment ( End 7-Mar-2017 )
26.07.2016 - 2nd CO contact, requested SG PCC for wife
17.08.2016 - 3rd CO contact , awaiting finalised medical for wife
16.03.2017 - Health Clearance Provided for wife ( front load emedical / Form 815 )
30.03.2017 - Grant! Thanks be to God! IED 18-May-2017
Joined: May 18, 2016
Carpe Diem!
PTE Tips
Posts: 97Member
Joined: Nov 21, 2016
Electronics Engineer
11/17/16 - IELTS S
11/19/16 - IELTS LRW
12/02/16 - OBS 7.5 (W8 R8.5 S6.5 W6) aw
01/09/17 - EA Submission
02/11/17 - positive EA Result.
02/14/17 - EOI 189 Submission. 60 pts
03/04/17 - PTE-A Exam
03/05/17 - PTE-A Result
03/06/17 - Updated EOI 189. 80 pts.
03/15/17 - ITA received.
03/31/17 - Medical BGC
04/21/17 - Visa Lodged
05/03/17 - Bridging Visa for dependent currently Australian Visitor
06/06/17 - 1st CO Contact
07/05/17 - Uploaded requested document
08/01/17 - 2nd CO Contact, same day upload of requested document
//17 - Visa Grant
//17 - BM
Posts: 1,284Member
Joined: Apr 10, 2015
Registered Nurse Nec
06/15 - touchdown Oz
07/15 - start of classes (Bachelor in Nursing)
05/16 - passed OET (after 4 failed attempts with IELTS and PTE)
07/16 - finished uni
07/16 - received AHPRA Australian Registered Nurse rego
08/16 - student visa 500 (Diploma)
10/16 - started working as an RN
07/09/17 - Submitted EOI for State Nom Vic with 60points
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Posts: 626Member
Joined: Oct 09, 2016
261312 Developer Programmer 65 pts (Visa 189)
Oct 3, 2016 Completed documents for ACS Assessment
Oct 12, 2016 PTE-A Exam
Oct 13, 2016 PTE-A Results W-90 S-84 R-90 L-90
Oct 27, 2016 Submitted documents for ACS Assessment
Nov 8, 2016 Received ACS Results - 3 yrs deducted
Nov 20, 2016 Submitted EOI
Dec 20, 2016 Received ITA
Dec 29, 2016 NBI Clearance @ NBI Main Office, Ermita
Jan 7, 2017 Lodged Visa (frontloaded all documents)
Jan 10, 2017 Medical @ Nationwide Makati
Jan 12, 2017 XRay cleared
Jan 13, 2017 All Medicals cleared
Jan 17, 2017 Uploaded Form 80 and Form 1221
Jan 30, 2017 CO Contact requesting for Hubby's Proof of Functional English
Mar 7, 2017 Golden Email! Thank you Lord! You're the best!
Posts: 56Member
Joined: Jan 22, 2017
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser (215312)
Skilled Independent 190 (NSW)
04-Jun-2016 - Took IELTS exam (General)
16-Jun-2016 - Results L-9, R-7, W-7, S-7
24-Jun-2016 - Contacted and engaged MARA agent (di ko pa kasi na-discover ang noon, sayang!); gathering of documents
24-Oct-2016 - Lodged VETASSESS application
28-Nov-2016 - Request for evidence of qualification, training certificates and accreditation
14-Dec-2016 - Submitted required documents
16-Dec-2016 - Assessment result received
24-Dec-2016 - EOI lodged
16-Jan-2017 - ITA received from NSW
18-Jan-2017 - Lodged SC 190 application
03-Feb-2017 - ITA received from DIBP
10-Mar-2017 - Lodge visa application
23-Mar-2017 - 1st CO contact (medical, police clearance, Form 1221, additional supporting evidence of employment)
18-Apr-2017 - Submitted required documents
31-May-2017 - 2nd CO contact (employment details of job taken up more than 10 years ago, justification for unemployment, passport details for international travels, details of referees to be added in the CV
01-Jun-2017 - Submitted required documents
04-Sept-2017 - Visa grant received (Praise God!!!)
Last date of entry - 24-Feb-2018 (I think based on NBI clearance issuance date)
Posts: 12Member
Joined: Mar 26, 2017
Effective 14 September 2016, if you are living overseas you cannot apply for ACT nomination of a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa until July 2017. - eto po yun website nila
Posts: 386Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2015
342314: Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
Primary Applicant
16.08.2015 - Skills Assessment submitted to TRA

24.08.2015 - PTE-Acad L66/R76/S62/W69
21.10.2015 - TRA Skills Assessment Successful :-)
14.11.2015 - PTE-Acad L65/R90/S60/W79
14.12.2015 - PTE-Acad L59/R84/S69/W72
27.01.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R74/S66/W60
16.02.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R76/S68/W75
25.04.2016 - PTE-Acad L69/R83/S66/W84 :-) Thanks God!
27.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 189 60pts
28.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 190 65pts (NSW)
09.05.2016 - Arranged NBI Fingerprint
10.05.2016 - Received ITA for Visa189
11.05.2016 - Generate HAP ID/e-Medical Referrals ( immiaccount )
20.05.2016 - Received NBI Clearance
30.05.2016 - Health Clearance Provided for dependent 2x sons ( Nationwide Makati )
30.05.2016 - Referral for dependent wife ( Sputum Test @ St. Lukes )
01.06.2016 - Collected SG PCC
04.06.2016 - Health Clearance Provided ( Primary Applicant )
13.06.2016 - Lodged / Paid Visa. Wait for CO Allocation
06.07.2016 - 1st CO contact GSM Adelaide, requested Form80/Proof of Functional English/Spouse
22.07.2016 - Wife started PTB Treatment ( End 7-Mar-2017 )
26.07.2016 - 2nd CO contact, requested SG PCC for wife
17.08.2016 - 3rd CO contact , awaiting finalised medical for wife
16.03.2017 - Health Clearance Provided for wife ( front load emedical / Form 815 )
30.03.2017 - Grant! Thanks be to God! IED 18-May-2017
Posts: 1,284Member
Joined: Apr 10, 2015
Registered Nurse Nec
06/15 - touchdown Oz
07/15 - start of classes (Bachelor in Nursing)
05/16 - passed OET (after 4 failed attempts with IELTS and PTE)
07/16 - finished uni
07/16 - received AHPRA Australian Registered Nurse rego
08/16 - student visa 500 (Diploma)
10/16 - started working as an RN
07/09/17 - Submitted EOI for State Nom Vic with 60points
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Posts: 235Member
Joined: Mar 16, 2013
251513-Retail Pharmacist
May 21, 2013- Applied for Skills Assessment under APharmC
July 6, 2013- APharmC asked for additional references
Sept.4, 2013- Positive Assessment received
Oct. 26, 2013- Schedule of IELTS (Academic module)
Nov. 8, 2013 -IELTS Results L,R,W,S- 7.0 OBS-7.0 ( need to retake, I need to get 7.5 OBS with no lower than band 7 in any
May 10, 2014 (IELTS 2nd try) L,R,W-7,S-7.5 OBS-7 (failed again)
"Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will"
Posts: 386Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2015
342314: Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
Primary Applicant
16.08.2015 - Skills Assessment submitted to TRA

24.08.2015 - PTE-Acad L66/R76/S62/W69
21.10.2015 - TRA Skills Assessment Successful :-)
14.11.2015 - PTE-Acad L65/R90/S60/W79
14.12.2015 - PTE-Acad L59/R84/S69/W72
27.01.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R74/S66/W60
16.02.2016 - PTE-Acad L64/R76/S68/W75
25.04.2016 - PTE-Acad L69/R83/S66/W84 :-) Thanks God!
27.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 189 60pts
28.04.2016 - Submitted EOI 190 65pts (NSW)
09.05.2016 - Arranged NBI Fingerprint
10.05.2016 - Received ITA for Visa189
11.05.2016 - Generate HAP ID/e-Medical Referrals ( immiaccount )
20.05.2016 - Received NBI Clearance
30.05.2016 - Health Clearance Provided for dependent 2x sons ( Nationwide Makati )
30.05.2016 - Referral for dependent wife ( Sputum Test @ St. Lukes )
01.06.2016 - Collected SG PCC
04.06.2016 - Health Clearance Provided ( Primary Applicant )
13.06.2016 - Lodged / Paid Visa. Wait for CO Allocation
06.07.2016 - 1st CO contact GSM Adelaide, requested Form80/Proof of Functional English/Spouse
22.07.2016 - Wife started PTB Treatment ( End 7-Mar-2017 )
26.07.2016 - 2nd CO contact, requested SG PCC for wife
17.08.2016 - 3rd CO contact , awaiting finalised medical for wife
16.03.2017 - Health Clearance Provided for wife ( front load emedical / Form 815 )
30.03.2017 - Grant! Thanks be to God! IED 18-May-2017
Posts: 1,284Member
Joined: Apr 10, 2015
Registered Nurse Nec
06/15 - touchdown Oz
07/15 - start of classes (Bachelor in Nursing)
05/16 - passed OET (after 4 failed attempts with IELTS and PTE)
07/16 - finished uni
07/16 - received AHPRA Australian Registered Nurse rego
08/16 - student visa 500 (Diploma)
10/16 - started working as an RN
07/09/17 - Submitted EOI for State Nom Vic with 60points
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Posts: 182Member
Joined: Feb 01, 2017