Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts
28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience)
12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
01.11.16 Lodged
30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
11.01.17 DG
16.04.17 Big move
most recent by MidnightPanda12
most recent by Iampirate13
How long did it take you to get a job?
most recent by lvnrtnr
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by CinnZinn
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
most recent by mamertz
most recent by whimpee
most recent by RheaMARN1171933
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 861Member
Joined: Apr 25, 2014
Timeline: Student Visa Subclass 573 (Masters)
06 July 2015: Visa Grant
April 2018: Uni Graduation
Timeline: Permanent Visa (189) Accountant 221111
18 April 2018: ITA received - Visa 189
04 May 2018 : Lodged Visa Application - Visa 189
29 Aug 2018 - First CO Contact - PCC Qatar (partner)
9 Jan 2019 - 2nd CO Contact - penal waiver
18 Jan 2019 - Updated immiaccount with penal waiver
29 Jan 2019 - Forwarded PCC to gsm.allocated email
8 Feb 2019 - Visa Grant - Finally!!
Timeline: Citizenship
July 2020: Application lodgment
May 2021: Citizenship Exam
Feb 2022: Oi! Oi! Oi! Aussie na din sa wakas!
Posts: 499Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2015
Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts
28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience)
12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
01.11.16 Lodged
30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
11.01.17 DG
16.04.17 Big move
Posts: 861Member
Joined: Apr 25, 2014
Timeline: Student Visa Subclass 573 (Masters)
06 July 2015: Visa Grant
April 2018: Uni Graduation
Timeline: Permanent Visa (189) Accountant 221111
18 April 2018: ITA received - Visa 189
04 May 2018 : Lodged Visa Application - Visa 189
29 Aug 2018 - First CO Contact - PCC Qatar (partner)
9 Jan 2019 - 2nd CO Contact - penal waiver
18 Jan 2019 - Updated immiaccount with penal waiver
29 Jan 2019 - Forwarded PCC to gsm.allocated email
8 Feb 2019 - Visa Grant - Finally!!
Timeline: Citizenship
July 2020: Application lodgment
May 2021: Citizenship Exam
Feb 2022: Oi! Oi! Oi! Aussie na din sa wakas!