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Skilled Visa 189 & 190

KHANEKHANE Philippines Posts: 1Member

Pwede po bang pagsabyin ang pag-apply ng skilled visa 189 & 190?



  • Au_VicAu_Vic Melbourne, Victoria
    Posts: 385Member
    Joined: Jun 11, 2017
    what do you mean? 189 is independent and 190 is state sponsorship. why would you need both?

    I'm Australian in paper but pinoy in form....Living in the most liveable city in the world...Melbourne! Oi, oi, oi!!!

  • jhun2384jhun2384 Manila Philippines
    Posts: 155Member
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
    yeah, you could. It's what I did. One EOI, two applications. Got the invite from 190.
  • bcondepascuabcondepascua Manila
    Posts: 17Member
    Joined: Jun 18, 2017
    @jhun2384, I suppose you paid the fees for both 189 and 190, didn't you? If so, it may not be feasible on a limited resources.

    May I please know the reason you applied for both, should you not mind?

    221214 | Internal Auditor | CPA, CIA, CICA

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  • jiomarianojiomariano Clark, Philippines
    Posts: 233Member
    Joined: Aug 15, 2015
    @bcondepascua You don't pay any fees when lodging an EOI. When you create an EOI, you're given a choice if it's for 189, 190, or both. A lot of people choose both so whichever invite comes first, they go thru that subclass path.
  • bcondepascuabcondepascua Manila
    Posts: 17Member
    Joined: Jun 18, 2017
    @jiomariano That clarifies the matter. Thanks for the info!

    221214 | Internal Auditor | CPA, CIA, CICA

    06/18/17 Joined

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