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2nd try for tourist visa

SHAMYSHAMY philippinesPosts: 6Member
hi everyone,im new here..just want to share my experience here,we applied my visa last april 26and refused last may3 reason for refusal "they are not satisfy in my personal circumtances that support my claims of intend temporarily visit as visitor..And also im currently unemployed and cant provide any ties and responsibilities here in Philippines..Our agent just attached 4 copies of supporting documents in that application..What i did i try second time around and this time i try in my own and i attached more documents as i can,like proof that genuine relationship with my de facto partner,and his travel history back and fort coming here,House mortgage and i attach also attached cover letter from me explaining why i need to go back here in philippines and our plan activities when i come in australia.I lodge my application thru immi account last july 9,i receive email immi s56 request for more information..i found out they want me to correct the error of the declaration part of the form instead saying yes i click no..i corrected it by using form 1023 and i attached it to my immiaccount as for the moment status of my application assessment in progress...I email them last night saying i already attached the documents into my immi account, Question guys,do i still need to attached the document thru in the email?..I just feel nervous everytime i open my email..Hope it comes with positive result..Godbless everyone....


  • jiomarianojiomariano Clark, Philippines
    Posts: 233Member
    Joined: Aug 15, 2015
    @SHAMY No need to attach anything to your email, just make sure to click the "Information Provided" on your immiaccount. This will let the department know that you've added the necessary information. All the best!
  • SHAMYSHAMY philippines
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jul 23, 2017
    @jiomariano...yes i did that...and thank you for the answer about the email..i feel better now .:) :)
  • mejmej41mejmej41 Philippines
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2017
    @SHAMY anu pong pwdenh ilagay sa plan activities?
    written letter lang po ba sya ng mga planong puntahan o kelangan ng mga ticket/reservation sa mga lugar na ppuntahan?
    anu format o ginawa nyo?
  • SHAMYSHAMY philippines
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jul 23, 2017
    Just an update po...i got my visa it was granted last july so happy and excited same time nervous coz its my first time..Godbless everyone and goodluck...
  • SHAMYSHAMY philippines
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jul 23, 2017
    @mejmej41 hi sis...ginawa ko lng is written letter plan namin puntahan at same time kasi mgbibirthday na yong partner ko yon nilagay ko we want to celebrate his birthday together and meet his family..The rest yong mga tourist spot nilagay ko gusto namin puntahan together.,wla ng reservation or ticket na nilagay ko.
  • mejmej41mejmej41 Philippines
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2017
    pwede din palang letter, nagkukuli lang kasi ako nung una baka kasi i-reject nila,.
    maraming salamat!
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