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Pregnancy related discussion under Student Visa

aiayosefaiayosef SydneyPosts: 108Member
Hello po!Ask ko lang po any tip sa mejo cheap na health centres dito sa sydney for pregnancy related check up. Actually wla po ako idea pano ang process nila dito. I just used pregnancy test at home (positive result) and gusto ko po magpacheck up na to confirm our first child


  • LykaLyka Melbourne Australia
    Posts: 22Member
    Joined: Sep 12, 2017
    Hello @aiayosef, how are you? Nakapagpacheck up ka ba? If under ka ng student visa, depende da heath insurance mo kasi yung sa akin, pregnancy will only be covered after 6 months of studying. I paid in full for my health insurance during my entire stay as required by the immigration. Hope ok naman ang check up mo.
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