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room for rent

arazamarazam arncliffePosts: 10Member
i spare bedroom for rent. $220 p/w for single and $260p/w for couples.
room is fully furnished and utilities included in the rent (water, electrity and gas).
8mins walk to train station and 15mins to cbd by car or train.
bedsheets also included so all you need is your luggage with you.
3 months minimum lease. preferably female or working professionals.

this is not a party flat.

you will be sharing the flat with us. (myself, husband and 17 month old baby girl.
the whole flat has 2.5 toilet. you will have your own toilet but will be sharing with my daughter who uses the bathtub.
pm me if interested. ([email protected])


  • kach018kach018 Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Feb 10, 2018
    Hi. May i know where is the location? thanks
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