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Boyfriend or Fiance?

janellaibayjanellaibay ManilaPosts: 6Member
Hi guys. It's my first time applying for a Visitor visa. My trip is supposedly sponsored by my significant other who is a permanent resident. We consider ourselves fiance and fiancee since we plan to get married eventually. But I've read here and there that you need to submit additional documents for fiance's? I would've easily placed him as a 'Boyfriend' in the application, but there is no option for such.

So then, what documents would we need to provide alongside this fiance/fiancee sponsor status? And if we couldn't, then what to do if Boyfriend/girlfriend status isn't in the options?


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    @janellaibay If you are applying for a regular TV600, there is no official sponsorship form that you Fiance' will submit. He can just write an invitation letter outlining your trip, providing accomodation, shoulder the expenses etc. If you are applying for a sponsored TV600( Im not sure if a fiance' is qualified under this category), you and him have to fillup a sponsorship form that can be downloded from the homeaffairs website. He might be then required to pay a bond($5000-$15000).
  • janellaibayjanellaibay Manila
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: May 13, 2018
    @fgs I understand. I've read something about the bond as well. But I don't think we need to go there, especially that I can't even tell the difference between the two.

    I've been reading about a 'Statutory Declaration' document in this forum, which is basically the invitation letter you're talking about, but on a more 'legitimized' level as it's notarized and all. Do you know anything about it? And is this required instead of just a regular invitation letter? I'm so confused lol

    Found it in a document checklist:
    If a friend/relative in Australia is paying for your visit then a Statutory Declaration stating the relative or friend’s support and evidence of their financial capacity to do so – for example a letter of invitation, bank statements and tax documents.
    thank you so much!
  • JacrayeJacraye Sydney
    Posts: 276Member
    Joined: Mar 06, 2018
    @janellaibay for a regular 600 visa (valid for up to three, six or 12 months), i can't remember a form used specifically for a partner if you are being sponsored. I only remember using a stat dec. that's 2yrs ago.

    ANZSCO 233213 Quantity Surveyor

  • ronpaulronpaul Australia
    Posts: 63Member
    Joined: Feb 16, 2016

    @fgs said:
    @janellaibay If you are applying for a regular TV600, there is no official sponsorship form that you Fiance' will submit. He can just write an invitation letter outlining your trip, providing accomodation, shoulder the expenses etc. If you are applying for a sponsored TV600( Im not sure if a fiance' is qualified under this category), you and him have to fillup a sponsorship form that can be downloded from the homeaffairs website. He might be then required to pay a bond($5000-$15000).

    Hi, my gf is applying for TV600 to visit me here in AU. Question lang po, ano pong ilalagay sa question sa immiaccount na “will the applicant visit any friends in AU?”
    Ilalagay ko po ba yung details ko pero under “Friends” na category?
    And also self funded na lang po ilalagay ba sa Type of support?
    I’ll be funding her visit naman dito including accomodation so I’m drafting an invitation letter na lang.


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    16|09|2019 - First day of work

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