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IELTS and OET Classes

ICSECICSEC MandaluyongPosts: 15Member
International Cultural Studies & Education Corp (ICSEC) is the leading provider of test preparation services and certification training in the Philippines.

As a Kaplan Certified Education Provider (, the Company offers test preparation for a wide range of international standardized examinations and professional licensing examinations including the National Council of Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®), and the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE®).

ICSEC offers certification training in various fields including finance, management, marketing, education, nursing, and English language. Philippine professional licensing examination review for Nursing, Physical Therapy, Teaching, Medical Technology, Pharmacy, and Certified Public Accountant is provided in all Centers. Other areas of activity include study overseas counseling, testing services (Authorized Testing Centers for OET®, Cambridge English Language Assessment, National Institute of Accounting Technicians, end-to-end Provider of examination services) and assessment services for corporate and educational institutions offered through a system of more than 10 Centers located in key cities across the Philippines (


  • MilkaMilka Philippines
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jun 20, 2018
    Hello po, I am a member of National Institute of Accounting Technicians. I am a passer of Level 1 to 3 Certified Accounting Technician Examinations. Ang nababayaran ko palang po na certificate is Yung part 1. Gusto ko po sana makahanap ng work abroad na magagamit ko po yung certificate. Any advice?
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