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What do you usually put in a Balikbayan Box?

setzamorasetzamora Posts: 2Member
I'm planning to send one this month. I'm wondering if there's a list of common / recurring Balikbayan Box goods that has become a "standard"?

In other words, what do you usually send to your loved ones in the Philippines that puts a smile on their faces every single time?


  • dyanisabelledyanisabelle Sydney
    Posts: 210Member
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
    Following this thread... am planning on sending a balikbayan box by october as well and we're starting to collect the contents :)

    For now we have been buying chocolates whenever theres a half price from woolies/coles. Cadbury, timtams mostly..

    And Cotton On is currently having a $1-$5 sale so we also got some stuff.

    Curious to know what other products people usually send home :)

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  • setzamorasetzamora Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jun 21, 2018
    @dyanisabelle Thanks for these information. Very helpful. Hopefully more people will share their idea.
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